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Based at Leeds Metropolitan University, the Carnegie International Camp is Britain's first summer weight-loss program for children. For the youngsters there, the goal is to gain confidence in oneself and to learn how to eat well.
In this summer camp, 40 boys and girls, aged 11 to 17, have paid approximately 500 dollars a week to be put on monitored meal plans, to attend nutrition classes, to do all sorts of sports intensively.

These kids chose to spend their vacation this way. "I always wanted to lose weight", declares Jennifer, a 16-year-old from Somerset. "My sister is 18 and beautifully thin. It's nice to come some place where she isn't", she adds.

Some campers also say that, for the first time, they can make friends, go on dates, and, above all, get special attention in the sport classes, rather than being chosen last.
By summer's end, the weight losses were not dramatic, around two kilos a week. "In two weeks, I lost 4 kilos of fat and gained two in muscle", Jennifer says.

That slow and steady loss is exactly what Paul Gately, the camp's founder, intended. "The aim is to encourage them to be active and competent, and then, they will get confident. If you get them early, you can prevent diseases later in life, such as diabetes, certain forms of cancer, etc.", he says.

summer = été
weight-loss = perte de poids
youngster = jeune
goal = objectif
confidence = confiance
monitored = contrôlés
to attend = suivre des cours
vacation = vacances
thin = mince
a date = un rendez-vous (amoureux)
above all = par dessus tout
slow = lent
steady = régulier
early = tôt
a disease = une maladie

A) What do people do at the Carnegie International Camp?
1) They try to stop drinking
2) They try to lose weight
3) They try to stop smoking

B) Why is Jennifer happy to be there?
1) Because her thin sister isn't there
2) Because she doesn't need to attend school
3) Because she can sleep all day long

C) How much weight did the campers lose every week?
1) twenty kilos
2) ten kilos
3) two kilos

A2 | B1 | C3
Les questions:
A) Que font les gens au camp international de Carnegie? Ils essayent d'arrêter de boire / de perdre du poids / d'arrêter de fumer ?
B) Pourquoi Jennifer est-elle heureuse d'y être ? Parce que sa sœur (mince) n'y est pas / Parce qu'elle n'a pas besoin de suivre des cours / Parce qu'elle peut dormir toute la journée ?
C) Combien de poids les campeurs ont-ils perdu chaque semaine ? 20/10/2 kilos ?



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