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Triple Word Challenge #15

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Triple Word Challenge #15
Message from jonquille posted on 19-08-2012 at 02:51:29 (D | E | F)

Summer is here. Time to play and practice using your English vocabulary! This “game” will have no winners, it will merely be a means of displaying your knowledge and talent! Therefore, the rules are simple, but should the need arise, rules may be adjusted or added.


Goal: Very simple! Create a text using the 3 words that have been given to you. The text may be short (10-40 words) or longer (60-80 words). PLEASE! Try to keep to these limits, or I'll be up all night reading all of them (and my husband will wonder who is more important) ! Haha!

1) Who can participate?: All members from beginner to expert.
2) Word usage: Try to keep the words in the form in which they are given. However, since this is a game to help you improve your English, some changes to the words will be accepted (letters may be added/changed to correspond to the subject, verbs may be changed from singular to plural). For native English speakers, no changes to the words will be allowed.
3) Language usage: Texts should be correct (grammar, spelling, punctuation). Please make the text appropriate to the users of this site (remember they are of all ages!). You will receive a private message if your text has errors.
4) Texts: Entries may be surrealistic or “creative” but they must make sense logically!
5) Game end: Each game will finish on the time and date noted in red. Words for succeeding games will be chosen randomly from the texts of those who have participated in the current game.
6) Text: To make the words easier to find in the texts, please put the game words in blue.

Important!! Closing date for this game: Thursday, 6 PM in New Hampshire, USA (CHANGE OF DAY!!)
(Your first challenge...what time is it for you when it is 6 PM in New Hampshire? )

Your next challenge – to use these words in a text (sentence, SHORT story, poem):
Noun – energy
Adjective – tanned
Verb – climb

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from jonquille, posted on 19-08-2012 at 02:54:07 (D | E)
Hello everyone!

This will be the last round of the Triple Word Challenge. Summer is nearly over, school will be starting soon, and I will not have as much time to spend on this. Also, so that I will have time to start preparing for a new school year, please note the change of the closing date for this game!

I thank all of you for participating, and I hope the newest participants will continue to participate in this last well as in others on the site. Since the start of the game this summer, a total of 36 members have participated. Congratulations to all of you for all of your hard work! I hope to revive this game during my next long vacation! Enjoy the rest of the summer. May it bring you enough sun and warmth to last throughout the winter!


Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from lucile83, posted on 19-08-2012 at 08:51:15 (D | E)
Hello jonquille,

Thanks for this last TWC game.

How lucky you are! You'll soon have the opportunity to use your energy teaching tanned students a few things they are fond of. They won't talk any more, they won't run everywhere, they will be quiet I am sure. Maybe some of them will try to climb up the tree in the schoolyard, but don't worry, they are used to that.

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from komiks, posted on 19-08-2012 at 09:11:44 (D | E)
Hello jonquille,
I'm so sad, that the game is ending.
Will it come back during another holiday? I really hope so!
Here's my last try.

The young tanned boy is used to climbing up the cliff. He has such energy, that he climbs up it in 2 minutes.
He climbs the cliff with agility, like a cat climbs a tree. When he comes back down, he has some mischief in his eyes, ready to start again at any moment.

Thanks, a last time, jonquille, for this game that I love.
Enjoy the rest of your summer.

PS : By the way, which subject do you teach ?

Edited by komiks on 19-08-2012 18:33
It's corrected. Thank you.

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from dolfine56, posted on 19-08-2012 at 10:42:03 (D | E)
Hello, dear Jonquille,

Thanks to you,during the too short time you guided and motived us with enthusiasm and energy,you helped us succeed in climbing the ladder of our English learning and became both tanner and better performing.

Enjoy these last summer days, and see you later.

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from matou94, posted on 19-08-2012 at 18:07:34 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille,

Thanks for this last TWC

With energy he climbed the stairs into the village, and discovered a workshop in which the leather was tanned.

Have a nice summer's end, and see you later

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from terrycho, posted on 21-08-2012 at 05:56:50 (D | E)
Hi Jonguille,
Giving my best wishes to you and your students.

Here is my try,
There is a ladder in our house. It has a long history in our family and is made of bamboo. It faced sunny days, rains, windy days and became tanned and wet. A few days ago I had a lot of energy and I used it to climb onto the roof. Unfortunately, the result was bad, I fell down. The rungs were too slippery to climb the ladder and I lost my balance.

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from lakata, posted on 21-08-2012 at 18:33:39 (D | E)
Hello dear Jonquille!

As she is keen on cycling, our dear Jonquille has just been given a new up-to-date bicycle by her husband.
This bike is actually a device turning mechanical energy into electricity. It can supply the whole house with long as dear Jonquille pedals energetically, of course.
On the other hand, it is a good way to become nicely tannedwhen the bike is outside, as well as a good reason to not regret to have to go back to school!
At the end of the day, be careful when climbing down from this bicycle, Jonquille, since you will be exhausted !

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from lemagemasque, posted on 21-08-2012 at 20:37:25 (D | E)

I will send you a PM soon.
Here is my try:
I think we will soon be able to leave for Morvan. But before that, let's make sure we have everything: [...] the suntan lotion so we can get tanned and show off in front of our colleagues, the walking sticks to give us energy to climb the mountains, some modelling clay for the hamster who will climb his own moutain...
I think we're all set. Let's go on holiday!

Thank you!

See you later! --> Morvan

Edited by lemagemasque on 22-08-2012 13:14
New version.

Edited by lemagemasque on 23-08-2012 15:15
Correction, thank you jonquille!

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from nveras, posted on 21-08-2012 at 21:20:35 (D | E)
It's my turn.
Save energy! Do not use machines to get tanned! Climb this mountain of lazinness in front of you and go to the beach.

Edited by nveras on 21-08-2012 21:21

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from jimmyhavedream, posted on 22-08-2012 at 03:49:53 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille:

Here's my try.
I am Asian. I have tanned skin and endless energy.I want to climb the highest mountain in the world.
Oh,I can't think! It's hard for me to create text using this group of words!

Edited by jimmyhavedream on 27-08-2012 03:52

Edited by jimmyhavedream on 27-08-2012 04:13

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from lemagemasque, posted on 23-08-2012 at 19:24:19 (D | E)
Hello again,

Here is my second try:

And now, look at n°8: she is really tanned.
And this is the last one, n°9: she is full of energy.
Now, the jury will vote for the best contestants who will be able to climb onto the podium!

Thank you!

Edited by lemagemasque on 24-08-2012 12:39
Word replaced, thank you jonquille!

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from komiks, posted on 23-08-2012 at 20:00:39 (D | E)
Hello jonquille,
Here's a second try :

The girl I'm going to talk about is tanned and full of energy. Every morning, she runs 1 kilometre to the beach. From here, she can admire the sun climbing into the sky. She'll never grow tired of that gorgeous sight.

Thank you, once again. I love this game
See you

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from jonquille, posted on 24-08-2012 at 01:30:16 (D | E)
Hello to all participants in this game and in previous ones!

Thank you for playing and putting up with me correcting, commenting, and suggesting different ways of rewriting your texts! I've enjoyed reading all of your texts and watching you improve in your language skills. Though school will be starting once again for me, and this game is over temporarily.... don't stop writing!

May each of you enjoy the coming fall season in all its glory... colorful leaves, not too hot, not too cold, and plenty of time to sit back and appreciate all of it!


Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from lakata, posted on 24-08-2012 at 11:19:38 (D | E)
Hello, dear Jonquille!

Thank you for all! Working with a teacher like you was a real pleasure.
I wish you a lovely fall season as well as a happy and not too tiring school year...
Keep enjoying riding, not only for power! and have some great bike rides.
Look at these children waiting eagerly and joyfully for you:

Nice, isn't it?

Edited by lucile83 on 24-08-2012 11:25
Image redimensionnée.

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from dolfine56, posted on 24-08-2012 at 11:25:23 (D | E)
Hello, dear Jonquille,

-- for all the time you spent with us.It was very pleasant to invent these short texts, and that was a good way to join pleasure and learning
I wish you a very good school year----

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from roya2012, posted on 24-08-2012 at 18:34:53 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille

I've recently become familiar with this site and the game and I've become a new member. I'm confused because I read your message at this time and I couldn't take this game . However I read other notes and now,I'd like to go to north for tanning and I wish I'm being with you on the next steps full of energy and I'd like to climb all of stairs of success of learning English with you.
have a good time
Roya 2012

Edited by lucile83 on 24-08-2012 20:14
Game over, sorry.

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from lucile83, posted on 24-08-2012 at 20:52:43 (D | E)
Thank you for everything, dear jonquille!
I wish you all the best with your students

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from komiks, posted on 24-08-2012 at 21:02:30 (D | E)
I wish you an excellent school year.
Thank you for everything you've done for us

Re: Triple Word Challenge #15 from linlinapril, posted on 04-09-2012 at 05:15:28 (D | E)
hello, this is april from the east. I'm really a freshman here,however, I still want to have a try on this interesting game. With summer going by, I got a tunned skin color because I enjoyed the sunshine so much during the past months. Comparing with most of my friends, I'm really the one who have lots of energy no matter on vocation or job. In fact, I didn't climb any trees or mountains or even hills recently, so it's a hard task for me to use the verb"climb". How is that、

Edited by lucile83 on 04-09-2012 08:38
This game is over.

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