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Message from nutmeg1906 posted on 10-07-2012 at 16:59:24 (D | E | F)

Can you help me please?

Corpora like COCA, Webcorp etc. but also dictionaries give examples of all three possibilities.
For example:
The graduate student had nothing in mind except ____ his thesis.
(A) finishing (B) finish (C) to finish

Some people prefer (A) but the other two sound grammatically correct anyway.
I'm sure you know if there is any authoritative source able to say what is right / wrong or just preferable.
Thank you!

Edited by lucile83 on 10-0

Re: Except/doing-do from notrepere, posted on 10-07-2012 at 17:59:31 (D | E)

This question has already been addressed here:


Re: Except/doing-do from nutmeg1906, posted on 10-07-2012 at 19:39:33 (D | E)
Hello! Thank you for your kind reply. I'm sorry but I could not find the link in the "search the site". You have been really helpful and fast as usual. Bye!

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Forum > English only


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