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pronunciation of final-s (1)

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pronunciation of final-s
Message de tin_amzi_man posté le 27-04-2008 à 19:40:18

For the final-s we can pronounce it either /z/,/Iz/ or /s/ the problem I had with my students is concerning the letter or the consonant sound /r/.As we all know the R is not pronounced at the end of the words in British English so it's taken for a vowel sound; and vowel sounds + final-s are pronounced /z/.What about American English? That's my question.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2008 21:04
topic remonté sans raison majeure.

Réponse: pronunciation of final-s de chrislondon, postée le 27-04-2008 à 22:51:48
They pronounce the ending in the same way as the British. They would just pronounce the 'r' more strongly, but the ending would be the same. /z/. Perhaps any of the American members could confirm this.

Réponse: pronunciation of final-s de TravisKidd, postée le 27-04-2008 à 23:12:59
"R" is always pronounced, although when it follows a vowel it usually acts to change the sound of the vowel, rather than having its own sound.

A final -er is usually pronounced similarly to the French -eur, but without a tonic accent. (Of course, if we want to imitate a French accent, we can always put the tonic accent there: My French accent is getting betteur and betteur! )

Réponse: pronunciation of final-s de omar_champ, postée le 10-05-2008 à 21:00:36
well that's a good question it's pronounced the way you said(as a vowel sound) this is what i thnk at of luck to you and your students.

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