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Correction rapport de stage

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Correction rapport de stage
Message de beniichou posté le 12-12-2009 à 20:41:04 (S | E | F)

Bonjour j'ai réaliser un rapport de stage après le stage que nous effectuons en 3ème.
Je pense que la structure n'est pas trop mal mais il doit y avoir quelques fautes.
Pourriez vous m'aider à les corriger s'il vous plaît ?

I chose to do my training period with an interior designer because I have already done an other training period and I was very satisfied. I decided to carry out my training period in decoration because I wanted to make my training in this department to extend my culture and my knowledge in decoration because this domain interest me a lot.
My training lasted four and a half days.
I arrived at 8.30 am and finished at 5.30 pm with a break from 12.00-14.00 pm. I did various tasks, all the employees were nice with me and I was able to help them in their work and I could ask them questions about their job.
My first training course took place in an accounting office exercising a liberal profession. I was able to realize various files consisting in realizing the bookkeeping customers and suppliers, data capture and inventory operation. I went to persons to advise them in the decoration of their houses, on the possible furniture, the paintings which they wanted to buy.
Moreover I also acquainted with the computer system of this company.
These two training courses have me allowed to acquire a work experience in a domain which fascinates me, as well as to put into practice the education received by the architects.
This training course enabled me to extend my knowledge in the field of Internet sites, to strengthen my knowledge in project creation, and to learn how to communicate in a professional framework.

Modifié par bridg le 12-12-2009 20:45

Réponse: Correction rapport de stage de seb06000, postée le 12-12-2009 à 20:56:19 (S | E)

je vous indique les éléments à corriger:

- . I went to persons to advise => je ne suis pas d'accord avec l'emploi de 'went'

- I also acquainted with ( acquainted => il manque un verbe)

Voilà les deux choses que je corrigerais....cependant votre anglais semble quasi-parfait!

Une lecture d'un autre membre permettra peut-être de déceler quelque chose qui ne va pas!



Modifié par lucile83 le 12-12-2009 21:14

Réponse: Correction rapport de stage de lucile83, postée le 12-12-2009 à 21:12:13 (S | E)
I chose to do my training period with an interior designer because I have already done an other training period and I was very satisfied. I decided to carry out my training period in decoration because I wanted to make my training in this department to extend my culture and my knowledge in decoration because this domain interest me a lot.
My training lasted four and a half days.
I arrived at 8.30 am and finished at 5.30 pm with a break from 12.00-14.00 pm. I did various tasks, all the employees were nice with me and I was able to help them in their work and I could ask them questions about their job.
My first training course took place in an accounting office exercising a liberal profession. I was able to realize various files consisting in realizing the bookkeeping customers and suppliers, data capture and inventory operation. I went to persons to advise them in the decoration of their houses, on the possible furniture, the paintings which they wanted to buy.
Moreover I also acquainted with the computer system of this company.
These two training courses have me allowed to acquire a work experience in a domain which fascinates me, as well as to put into practice the education received by the architects.
This training course enabled me to extend my knowledge in the field of Internet sites, to strengthen my knowledge in project creation, and to learn how to communicate in a professional framework.

Beaucoup de répétitions aussi.
Je n'ai peut-être pas tout vu.

Réponse: Correction rapport de stage de beniichou, postée le 12-12-2009 à 21:14:02 (S | E)
Je te remercie Sébastien, Peut-être que d'autres membres vont déceler mes erreurs...

Je vous en remercierai !

Réponse: Correction rapport de stage de lucile83, postée le 12-12-2009 à 21:16:53 (S | E)
On a posté en même temps; voir ma correction au-dessus, fautes en rouge.

Réponse: Correction rapport de stage de jan_goethals, postée le 14-12-2009 à 14:12:15 (S | E)
"do my training" n'est pas correct.

Tout d'abord, la traduction du verbe "faire" est hyper compliquée en anglais. Non seulement le verbe se décompose entre "to do" et "to make", en français (par rapport à l'anglais), "faire" est un verbe fourre-tout. Les expressions correspondantes en anglais ne font en général pas appel aux verbes "to do" ou "to make".

Cette expression "faire son stage" en est un exemple. Evitez de traduire faire et contournez le problème en associant le stage (training) à un autre verbe plus direct dans le contexte.

Je propose:

I decided to spend my training periode with an interior designer...

For my training period, I decided to work with an interior designer...

Réponse: Correction rapport de stage de jean-pax, postée le 14-12-2009 à 16:10:58 (S | E)
Tes phrases sont beaucoup trop longues (typiques françaises). Don't forget: KISS Keep It Short and Simple. Sujet, verbe, compléments, point, nouvelle phrase etc...

Réponse: Correction rapport de stage de beniichou, postée le 16-12-2009 à 20:26:20 (S | E)
Bonjour j'ai réalisé un rapport de stage après le stage que nous effectuons en 3ème.
Je pense que la structure n'est pas trop mal mais il doit y avoir quelques fautes.
Pourriez-vous m'aider à les corriger s'il vous plaît ?

I decided to spend my training period with an interior designer because I have already done another training period and I was very satisfied. I decided to carry out my training period in decoration because I wanted to extend my culture and my knowledge in this departement because this domain interest me a lot.
My training lasted four and a half days.
I arrived at 8.30 am and finished at 5.30 pm with a break from 12.00 to 14.00 pm. I did various tasks. All the employees were nice with me. I was able to help them in their work. I could ask them questions about their jobs.
My first training course took place in an accounting office exercising a liberal profession. I was able to realize various files consisting in realizing the bookkeeping customers and suppliers, data capture and inventory operation. I visited persons to advise them in the decoration of their houses, on the possible furniture, the paintings which they wanted to buy.
Moreover I acquainted with the computer system of this company.
These two training courses allowed me to acquire a work experience in a domain which fascinates me, as well as to put into practice the education received by the architects.
This training course enabled me to extend my experience in the field of Internet sites, to strengthen my knowledge in creation project , and to learn how to communicate in a professional framework.

Merci beaucoup.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-12-2009 21:10
Topic fusionné avec l'ancien; merci de ne pas ouvrir un nouveau sujet lorsqu'il s'agit de la même chose.


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