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How do you find my presentation? (1)

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How do you find my presentation?
Message de esmax666 posté le 21-03-2007 à 17:10:24 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody
I am making a presention in English and I need some help ...thank you very much
My presentation:

Hello Everybody
My name is XXXand I am student in GESC 02 ( Electrical and Control Systems Engineering).
Today, you must divine my subject and that’s why I will give you some indication.
- It’s a problem which comes if you don’t make enough sport
-This picture represents my subject

I have choice this subject because I have read an article on It relates the story of Connor McCreaddie who is obese. He is eight years old and weights 14 stone (14 stone represents 98Kg). It’s more than three times the average for his age and he may be taken into care if his mother fails to improve his diet.
(They explain that obesity is a problem more and more important all over the world.)
As a consequence we can wonder if obesity is a big problem.

I have divided my presentation into three parts. First I will explain what obesity is. Next I will analyze the causes of obesity increase and finally I will speak about the solutions to fight this problem

1) What is obesity?

So first, I am going to give you the obesity definition. It is an excess of body fat that frequently results in a significant impairment of health. Obesity results when the size or number of fat cells in a person's body increases. When a person gains weight, these fat cells first increase in size and later in number. One pound of body fat represents about 3500 calories.
When a person starts losing weight, the cells decrease in size, but the number of fat cells generally stays the same. This is part of the reason that once you gain a significant amount of weight, it is more difficult to lose it.
For adults, overweight and obesity ranges are determined by using weight and height to calculate a number called the “body mass index” (BMI). BMI is used because, for most people, it correlates with their amount of body fat.
* An adult who has a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight.
* An adult who has a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.

As we can see on this page a lot of countries suffer about obesity. (Anglican  English?) Countries are the most touched by this problem. The United States are the "Firsts" with 30.6 percent of obese people and France is placed 22nd with 9% of obese.
This picture show that in the United States, the percent of the population that is overweight (BMI 25 to 29.9) or obese (BMI > 30) has increased dramatically over the last years.
(For men, 59% are overweight, while 20% of the total male population is obese. Fewer women are overweight (51%) but more are obese (25%).)

Today the children are concerned by this problem too. It may be seen from this graph that Children's obesity has jumped between 1970 and 2003. The pie chart shows that only one half of the children have a normal weight.
2) What are the causes?

Even if the principal cause of overweight is our heredity, it is generally caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of the two
Our society has become very sedentary. Television, computer and video games contribute to people's inactive lifestyles.
(43% of adolescents watch more than 2 hours of television each day)

2b consequence

Obesity is associated with many illnesses and is directly related to increased mortality and lower life expectancy
Being overweight or obese increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions, including the following:
• Hypertension
• Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
• Type 2 diabetes
• Coronary heart disease
• Stroke
• Gallbladder disease
• Osteoarthritis
• Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
• Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
Modifié par bridg le 21-07-2007 15:57
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Réponse: How do you find my presentation? de esmax666, postée le 21-03-2007 à 17:11:25 (S | E)
The next .....

We must know that overweight and obesity have a significant economic impact on the U.S. health care system. Medical costs associated with overweight and obesity may involve direct and indirect costs.

3) What are the solutions?
A department called “CDC’s State-Based Nutrition and Physical Activity Program to Prevent Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases
Created in 1999, the Nutrition and Physical Activity Program to Prevent Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases (NPAO) currently works with 28 states to build lasting and comprehensive efforts to address obesity and other chronic diseases through a variety of nutrition and physical activity strategies. For more on what we do, go to the About Us section

• It’s recommended to have a physical activity (about 30 minutes each day) For example: swimming, biking, running…
• Reduce the amount of time spending in front of TV, playing video games.
• Eating healthy food, fruits, and vegetables. A Dietary Guidelines is available on
• Eating meals in family as often as possible and eating slowly
• Don't make a restrictive diet
• Drink water and limit intake of beverages like soft drinks, fruit juice drinks, and sports drinks.
• Plan for healthy snacks.
• Eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables each day.
• Avoid eating meals or snacks while watching TV.
• Eating a healthy breakfast is a good way to start the day and may be important in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
Specialists say that diets, exercise and drugs alone don’t result in long term weight loss.
Obesity surgery is the only proven method for obese person to reach normal weight and maintain it. It consists in reducing the height of the stomach to restrict (restreindre) food intake.

In all case if you are overweight or obese, you must get appropriate medical help to reduce your weight and avoid the long-term complications associated with excess body fat.

A new DVD game was created for children in order to teach them how avoid being overweight. It’s called "Body Mechanics" with a team of superheroes who battle against bad guys with names like “Col Estorol” or “Betes II”. The fighting takes place inside the body of Jack Decayd who will die soon if obesity isn’t fight.

What is the country which has the highest percent of obese people?
What's the first cause of obesity?
How much weights Connor McCreaddie?

Réponse: How do you find my presentation? de alexandra7757, postée le 25-03-2007 à 11:27:49 (S | E)
answers :
- the country which has the highest percent of obese people is usa
- the first cause of obesity is sedentary
- Connor McCreaddie weights 85 kg
I think the subject you've chosen is very important, a 'big problem of society'.
You may not forget the problems linked with surgery : the stomach is restrained but someone who still needs to be obese will keep on having foods that will make them get fat, like soft drinks, fruit juice drinks, and sports drinks, ice creams. Then will come some other complications, like vomiting (burns the esophagus), or the first part of the stomach becomes too big and main lead to hemorrhages.
But your work is pretty good. The only fault I have seen is on the 6th line : I have chosen instead of I have choice
Good luck for your studies !

Réponse: How do you find my presentation? de robi, postée le 24-07-2007 à 20:27:26 (S | E)
Interesting, especially that this subject is of current events in all the industrial nations !



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