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Places and Forms of Power/Bac

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Places and Forms of Power/Bac
Message de julia03 posté le 17-05-2017 à 16:14:20 (S | E | F)
Je passe mon oral d'anglais noté pour le BAC en début de semaine prochaine (du 22 au 24 mai) et j'aimerais savoir si vous pouviez m'indiquer les erreurs que j'ai pu commettre.

I'm going to tell you about the notion of Places and Forms of power. In the first place, the power is the ability to influence o control people, events o resources. The power can take different forms: there are the executive power, the legislative power, the judicial power, the power of media, the power of money, etcetera,.. and he can be endured o accepted, in other words exercised in an authoritarian way o in a democratic way. The power is not always accepted by all and cause conflicts and resistance. Another, all forms of power are exercised in spaces, in specific places which can be cities, regions, countries but also emblematic places of the power like castles, parliaments, courts, …
For example, during the colonization, settlers invaded America. They appropriated the territory and imported many things from their continent of origin. Then, natives populations became sick and suffered from the domination of Europeans. Some natives were killed and massacred and others became slaves. The number of natives decreased considerably. Another, later, the settlers created the triangular trade between America, Africa y Europe. This trade ensured the distribution of slaves on the American continent to supply Europe with slaves products and to supply Africa with Europeans and Americans products. So, it's an authoritarian form of power because the native populations and the African slaves were not free to do what they wanted.
Another, the harassment of teenagers by means of new technologies such as Internet, social networks like Facebook and mobile phones is also a form of power suffered by many young people. This form of harassment called cyber-bullying involves sending malicious messages, threatening text, or posting a humiliating photo of someone on a website like YouTube. When a teenager is harassed, via the Internet or not, there can be a strong psychological impact, especially if the harassment continues at home 24 hours a day. The threat is everywhere but generally the teenager doesn't want to talk to anyone. In some cases, a young person gets up in the morning and doesn't want to go to school because of harassment, but may also try to commit suicide. So, this form of power is very dangerous and we must to be careful because it can affect a member of our family.
Finally, in some countries there is a dictatorship like in Belorussia, Cuba and North Korea. It is a person or a group of persons who exercise all powers absolutely and the people are not free to do what they want. On the contrary, in France, it is a democracy: the powers are separated, we have freedom of expression, the right to vote,...

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2017 23:11

Réponse : Places and Forms of Power/Bac de laure95, postée le 18-05-2017 à 11:18:58 (S | E)
- o control
- o resources.
- The (pas de the) power can take different forms
- and he (pas le bon pronom, le pouvoir n'est pas une personne) can be endured
- o accepted,
- o in a democratic way.
- The (pas de the)) power is not always accepted
- Another (another quoi?)

- Then, natives (pas de s)populations
- another,: ?
- y Europe.
- with Europeans (pas de s)and Americans (pas de s)products.
- Another,
- threatening text (pluriel)
- we must to (pas de to)be careful
- and the (pas de the) people are not free
- we have (article)freedom of expression



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