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Road Trip/ route 66

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Road Trip/ route 66
Message de nono874 posté le 06-05-2017 à 13:33:01 (S | E | F)
je suis en Première L est je dois effectuer un road trip sur la route 66 dans les années 50. J'ai commencé et j'aurais voulu savoir si on aurait pu me corriger. Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Welcome in my log book. I appear, my name is Enora , I am 23 years old, and I am at the university in apprentice writer. In this log book I am going to speak to you about my experience on the road 66. The road 66 is an idea that I found in a magazine a few months before. Living in New-Jersey among my aunt, I always dreamed of travel to discover the America in a wider way.

I then launch me in July, 1948 into a trip of more than 4000 km through the American continent, with 50 dollars in pocket. For it I need save a maximum, so I decide to move me in hitch-hiking. For my first stop I chose Albuquerque. I have to pass, by Chicago.

Since my room I hear of noise, so I decide go out and see where from comes it. A bar, or ` the bebop is to play, it amazes me.

Arrived at Albuquerque I live at my cousin's. Hardly to put my bag, she tells me to get ready is affable me in a basement, where takes place a jazz concert. This surprises me a lot, because at my home the blacks are not friends with the whites. After having to pass a party extraordinary, I discover a new music style which I adore completely, he allows to make us travel. By thinking again about it I say to myself that it is really stupid that that takes place like that, the mentalities should evolve in this sense in all the United States. The whites begin has interested has the black culture, in particular has "the jazz music and the blues as I have was able to see him in the evening. And there or certain blacks has wanted to become or to look like the whites, it are certain whites who would want to look like the blacks, this mentality amazes me. The next day, my cousin decides to show me the old town minie of Exchange City. Après je décide de laisser et continuer mon aventure pour me rendre à San Francisco.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2017 02:49

Réponse : Road Trip/ route 66 de gerondif, postée le 08-05-2017 à 00:44:34 (S | E)
vous traduisez trop mot-à-mot ou à l'aide de traducteurs qui illustrent parfois comiquement vos erreurs:

she tells me to get ready is affable me in a basement,
Elle me dit de me préparer est m'amène dans une cave, au lieu de et m'emmène. Affable signifie agréable, affable, amène comme adjectif.

The whites begin has interested has the black culture,
Les blancs commencent a s’intéresser a la culture noire, où le traducteur traduit un a (verbe avoir) au lieu d'un à.

A bar, or ` the bebop is to play,
Un bar ou le be bop est jouer au lieu de un bar on est en train de jouer du be-bop.

Mécaniquement, une première étape en stop du New Jersey à Albuquerque représente une distance bien trop longue, regardez une carte.

Réponse : Road Trip/ route 66 de nono874, postée le 08-05-2017 à 16:34:07 (S | E)
D'accord merci encore pour vos conseils.

Réponse : Road Trip/ route 66 de gerondif, postée le 08-05-2017 à 19:11:51 (S | E)
Quels conseils ? Je n'ai rien corrigé , je vous ai juste montré des incohérences.
erreurs en bleu
Welcome in(to) my log book. I appear(ne signifie pas je me présente), my name is Enora , I am 23 years old, and I am at the university in apprentice writer(vous n'êtes pas dans un écrivain mais dans un cours de littérature). In this log book I am going to speak to you about my experience on the road 66(66 sert de déterminant, pas de the). The road 66 is an idea that I found in a magazine a few months before(utilisez le il y a temporel, 3 letres, a*o). Living in New-Jersey among(vous ne pouvez pas vivre "parmi" votre tante) my aunt, I always dreamed of travel(gérondif, forme en ing) to discover the America in a wider way.
C'est bizarre de faire ce récit au présent le prétérit conviendrait mieux)
I then launch me in July, 1948 into a trip of more than 4000 km through the American continent, with 50 dollars in my pocket. For it I need (infinitif complet)save a maximum of money, so I decide to move me(me déplacer ne se dit pas comme ça, prenez le verbe voyager ou mettez directement hitch-hike)) in hitch-hiking. For my first stop I chose Albuquerque. I have to pass(mettez le verbe aller) by(by indique un moyen, utilisez à travers) Chicago.

Since(signifie depuis comme complément de temps, utilisez from) my room I hear of(non, of n'est pas un partitif pour dire du de la des) noise, so I decide to go out and see where from comes it (à remettre dans l'ordre). A bar, or ` the bebop is to play, it amazes me.

Once arrived at Albuquerque I live at my cousin's. Hardly to(construction incorrecte) put my bag, she tells me to get ready is affable me in a basement, where takes place(à mettre en fin de phrase, pas d'inversion en style indirect) a jazz concert. This surprises me a lot, because at my home the blacks are not friends with the whites. After having to pass(utilisez spend) a party extraordinary, I discover a new music style which I adore completely, he ( he représente un humain masculin, la musique est un objet neutre)allows to make us (construction à la française) travel. By(à supprimer) thinking again about it I say to myself that it is really stupid that that takes place like that, the mentalities should evolve in this sense in all the United States. The whites begin has interested has the black culture, in particular has "the jazz music and the blues as I have was able to see him in the evening. And there or(là ou sans accent? là où ?) certain blacks has(pluriel) wanted to become or to look like the whites, it are(il y a se dit there is there are etc) certain whites who would want like to look like the blacks, this mentality amazes me. The next day, my cousin decides to show me the old town minie(encore une erreur de français non reconnue par le traducteur ? Une ville minière ?) of Exchange City. Après je décide de laisser et continuer mon aventure pour me rendre à San Francisco.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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