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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de lil2919 posté le 03-05-2017 à 17:59:09 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral d'anglais dans une semaine et j'aurais voulu que vous me corrigiez mon travail.
Merci pour vos réponses.

To be able to answer my problem : Are the new technologies signs of progress or danger ?
At the first,I will show that the new technologies are a real progress as can be proved by the new generations of robots,and secondly that it can also be a danger as can be seen with the cartoon.

In fact, new technologies can be a real progress like the new generation of robot created by British and European scientists. A project to create social robots, that is to say robots that can not only help people but also become their compagnion.
These robots can do the tarks, for instance do the dishes, do the laundry,...
But also, the new robot will be able to react according to your mood, they will be polite and discreet. The future computer will be turned into companions.

A caricature denounces the differences between "perfect" people and "normal" people with defects.
And denounces a society in which if you’re different you’re rejected.
It would be annoying to live in a world where people will have the same way of thinking and living because there will be no debate, no difference between cultures …

Technology is a form of progress that has evolved so much, it helps, helps people in difficulty and is a real companion. It can also prove to be dangerous for humanity and risks destroying it.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2017 21:23

Réponse : Oral/progress de laure95, postée le 04-05-2017 à 18:01:22 (S | E)
- my problem : the question.
- Are the (pas de the) new technologies signs of progress or danger ?
- At the (pas de the) first,I will show that the new technologies
- the new generation of robot (pluriel)created by British and European scientists.
- compagnion.
-the tarks: ?
But also, the new robot (pluriel) will be able to react according to your mood,
- it helps, helps people
- and (sujet?)is a real companion.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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