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Devoir/USA Today

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Devoir/USA Today
Message de emlyne posté le 21-10-2016 à 08:41:47 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !
je dois faire une introduction et une conclusion sur un texte en anglais. (Je suis en Terminale ES)
J'ai fait mon introduction et ma conclusion mais j'ai de gros doutes, j'ai peur d'avoir écrit quelque chose qui ne veut rien dire.
J'aimerais si possible votre avis.
Merci d'avance

Intro : The text is a revue which belong to newspaper USA Today. It was published in October 1, 2010. The main topic is the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). It talk about a little girl, Molly, which has a rare and serious illness. She has an anemie. She had to need a bone marrow transplant. For save her, his parents did a little brother with the technical pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for than little brother becomes an ideal transplant candidate for his sister. This story represents the human answer to the debate over a genetic screening technique. The issue tackled by the text is : the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is it good or is it a slide?

Conclusion : The text be associated with progress because thanks to innovation we can save a life. The medical progress allows eliminate sickness by changing the characteristic of the embryon. But we must be careful and set limits. There are an advantages but also disadvantages linked to progress medical. We mustn't to change a genetic for a child just because the parents want child perfect. The defauts could prove to be an asset

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-10-2016 08:59

Réponse : Devoir/USA Today de laure95, postée le 21-10-2016 à 17:58:09 (S | E)
Intro : The text is a revue (mot français)which belong (faute de conjugaison + pas le bon verbe ici) to (artivle)newspaper USA Today. It was published in (pas la bonne préposition) October 1, 2010. The main topic is the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). It talk (un texte ne parle pas)about a little girl, Molly, which has a rare and serious illness. She has an anemie (mot français). She had to need (mettre simplement need au présent simple)a bone marrow transplant. For (pas la bonne préposition) save her, his (pas le bon possessif) parents did (mal dit)a little brother with the technical pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for (so that + il manque un possessif))little brother (could)becomes (enlever le S) an ideal transplant candidate for his sister. This story represents the human answer to the debate over a genetic screening technique. The issue tackled by the text is : the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is it good or is it a slide? (ordre des mots : IS + sujet + good + or is it a slide)

Conclusion : The text (can) be associated with progress because thanks to innovation we can save a life. The medical progress allows (to)eliminate sickness by changing the characteristic of the embryon. But we must be careful and set limits. There are an (enlever AN)advantages but also disadvantages linked to progress medical (adjectif avant le nom). We mustn't to (enlever TO)change a genetic for a child just because the parents want (article)child perfect (adjectif avant le nom). The defauts (mot français) could prove to be an asset


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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