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Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir

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Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir
Message de chloeav posté le 14-04-2016 à 11:20:07 (S | E | F)
je suis en Terminale, mon oral d'anglais approche et je voulais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider et corriger mes fautes, ce serait super gentil.
Merci beaucoup !

I'm going to discuss the notion of place and form of power, to begin with I'd like to give a definition of place , according to me ,a place is an area in espace and power it mean be very important.In this notion, I will talk about of higher education in the UK and in the US. Indeed , in these countries. The cost of universities is really high. To what extent the degree in universities in the UK or in the US are instruments of power ? First , I m going to talk about the tuition fees and after the disagreement between people about that.
Firstly, the tuition fees in college in United States and in United Kingdom are really high , so everybody can't go to university. Then, in the video of Barack Obama which its name is : “ Making higher education more affordable for the middle classes” Obama says that higher education has never been more important but also too expensive . So for Obama , middle classes can't keep going when the cost of universities is approximatively 26 thousand dollard. After according to another video named “ does higher education pay off?” we saw that a young woman explain that when you want to go to university you can't imagine the money which represent tuition fees because it's very high so you go to university and after you pay frequently for the rest of your life.
In this way , according to this video , we saw that 40% of adults above the age of 35 are still paying off students loans. This video shows the power of degree , because having a degree i's really important since it could help to earn a decent living, be more powerful and lead a happier life , so have a good job and eventullay having more responsabilities. Also you will have a better luck to have a better paid job. This is the reason why everyone want to go to university even if people get a debt for many years. So, the access to university is really hard for many peole, it's an instrument of power.

Secondly, , in a document “for or against the rise of tuition fees” , We have 2 points of view : firstly , Emily , for her mind, degrees will become a status symbol , students will get the feeling of buying their degrees so they maybe juged by their wealth not by their skills, their hard work and commitment.
On the contrary, other students, like James, are in favour of the rise of tuition fees. For his mind this may help reduce the deficit. After , with the extra money of tuition feees the UK has produced some of the world's best universities and so it has to maintain a good standard of education as consequence degree will value more. These 2 points of view shows the power of the money because degree will be accesible just for people who can pay universities's tuition fees. More you have money , more you can go in the best universities , more you will have power. After in a document named “student discontent” we can see many students who protest against the rise of universities tuition fees. The scene takes place on the streets of London on september four years ago. According to them , the cost of education is far too expensive. For most of them higher education is not accessible to everyone , people can't always pay. So we can see the power of degree ,because students protest a lot , students are really motivated , we can see a lot of passion. Degree it's really important for students , it represent for them a lot of power , the fact to have studied , the fact to have been in college. It's also a a really high personal satisfaction.

To conclude, degree is an instrument of power because it's really important for a better life , to have a good job , a better live and to have more responsabilities.
However , getting a degree is really hard because you need to have a lot of money. That's why when you have a degree you are more powerful. But I think everybody should be allowed to go to university as it's a right for all people. Moreover, according to me tuition fees can't be the same for everyone and I think the access to universities must be the same for everybody.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2016 11:54


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