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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de rachel69 posté le 02-01-2016 à 18:54:39 (S | E | F)
Hello ,
I am French and I need help for an English work please !
Here is my text in English; can you tell me if there are errors?
Thanks for any reply.

Every morning, it's in my nature to go out and walk in the forest to stretch my legs and to smell the fresh wind on my skin. I enjoy to watch flowers and to see the sun rise. I take the opportunity to going out looking for something to eat because I'm the type of person who can be characterized like a stomach on legs. People from the village are so impressed , that they call me « The ferocious beasts ». Pah! We can't even take a bite out of something without anyone's comments.
Today , it has been a long time that i have not eaten a good meal.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-01-2016 20:58

Réponse: Devoir/aide de laure95, postée le 02-01-2016 à 18:57:50 (S | E)
- I enjoy to watch flowers: verbe de gout + verbe + -ing (gérondif).
- the sun rise: mettre au gérondif.
- to going out: TO +BASE VERBALE.
- it has been a long time that (pas le bon mot) i have not eaten a good meal.

Réponse: Devoir/aide de rachel69, postée le 02-01-2016 à 19:00:42 (S | E)
Thanks !

Réponse: Devoir/aide de baboune16, postée le 03-01-2016 à 19:38:43 (S | E)
un petit additif en passant :
smell the fresh wind on my skin
Je pense qu'un autre verbe, courant, serait mieux adapté
que smell (odorat)

bonne soirée


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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