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Oral/Lieux et pouvoir
Message de shootingstar posté le 04-12-2015 à 18:20:57 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde !
Pourriez-vous me donner votre avis sur mon devoir s'il vous plaît ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I am going to talk about the notion “ Places and forms of power “. First of all I want to give you a quick definition of this notion. Power is the ability to exert some control on a group of people, or on some events, to make something happen despite obstacles or opposition. So not everyone can have such a power. Power is often associated to misuses, abuses or counter-power and involves resistance. Places could be buildings or institutions, like the House of Commons in Great Britain or the Congress in the United States of America, but it all depends on the type of power. I will precisely talk about the power of medias, exerted all over the world, in different forms such as television, press or Internet. How can these medias influence - and in some case, control - our way of life ? Thus, I will show you that medias have such a strong power that they modify our behaviour against our will. This changes can be the result of a moderate use of this ability but in some cases, they can also be the consequence of an abusive and glaring control. Medias are not an unorganised institution : they obey to strict rules so each article or television programme is well-thought-out by its authors. Therefore, the type of media ( television, press, Internet…) depends on the message of the makers and its targets. Each media has its own codes but all of them have a common point : they all exert a power of seduction. As a matter of fact, they are very attractive for us since they allow everyone to access to a mass of informations in the blink of an eye, in different forms : so young people would be more attracted by their phones whereas mature people would be faithful to their newspaper. As a consequence, lots of newspapers, as The Guardian, have also their own website and app. But medias are so powerful that they quickly become essential for a lot of people : with the development of Internet, communication has become easier and very simple for everyone. It is now a worldwide phenomenon : nearly 50% of the population is connected. Advertising also have a great role in the public opinion : advertisers know how to use the different medias and how to organise their ad in order to convey their message with special fonts and colors. Their power is so great that they have the ability to convince famous stars to be the role-model of their campaign. For example, Paul McCartney accepted to be the ambassador of the association Peta, fighting for vegetarianism. Medias give us the opportunity to become citizens of the world, aware of what is happening around us but medias are not always a good thing : they can be misused and become a part of the abusive power. Medias can apply their control strategy in abusive ways : they do not give the same importance to each information. With their choices, they fashion their own world. We are not well-informed and we do not have the clues to understand everything : thus, medias influence the public opinion by vanishing some aspects of the actuality, in order to obey to a political logic. Therefore, we all must be critical when reading the news or watching reportages although they are made by official sources. Indeed medias can quickly become ways of propaganda because they are conveying, in some cases, false informations. Advertisements are one of the best examples of misuse of power : some fastfood brands, such as McDonald's, lie about their products or hide the truth to the the consumers ; they make them look bigger and yummier so they insist on their look with bright colors and strong slogans, forgetting the unhealthy ingredients forming them. Power of persuasion is also used by these campaigns in order to increase their hold on people by manipulating their mind and thoughts : we see so many ads everyday and everywhere that we are convinced we need to buy more and more, even if it is useless and expensive. But ads are not the only misuse of power. Cinema, and basically Hollywood films, often contain some clichés about minorities, such Afro-American, Asian or Latino-American. They convey a wrong and simplified image of these people with stereotypical characters : Black people are portrayed as ridiculous and fool people, Chinese as violent Kung-Fu masters, Latino-American often have the role of drug dealers and gangsters. To conclude, we can consider that for medias, power is the ability to control the opinion of people and their mind. In the one hand, this power of seduction can be exerted in a soft way and create a well-informed citizen, aware of what is happening around him, sensitive to our century’s problem. In the other hand, their power can be abusive : they control the opinion in order to serve their self-interest and manipule informations, making them incomplete, sometimes wrong. However, medias do not exert an infallible control on everyone. Some people do not believe anything and are critical.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-12-2015 21:14


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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