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Correction/journal de bord

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/journal de bord
Message de ldeor posté le 01-11-2015 à 17:00:21 (S | E | F)
Je suis élève en 3e et j'aurais besoin d'une correction s'il vous plait pour un devoir que j'ai fait sur la page d'un journal de bord d'un aventurier (un trappeur) . J'ai essayé de me corriger au mieux mais je pense qu'il reste encore des erreurs...
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
Voici le texte:
On this morning, it was foggy and snowy, the thermometer was about 5 degrees.I got dresse and I put off the fire before going to the traps I had set up the day before.
There was nothing, neither in the first trap, nor in the second. But a little rabbit was snared on the third...
I returned to my camp to roast and eat the rabbit.
After this frugal meal, I gathered my compass, my candle, the pages extracted of my notebook, and my old bear fur on a wooden box.
Few minutes later, I was walking trough the wood, and digging by hand on the sow in search of plants or roots, when I saw a cave. I went inside and discovered a bear who was sleeping.
I thought that it was the opportunity to have a new bear fur. But suddenly, the woke and attacked me.So, I began to run and to shout.
Fortunately, there were some Indians hunting near to the cave. When they heard me, they came and killed the bear with spears and arrows.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-11-2015 17:22

Réponse: Correction/journal de bord de bluestar, postée le 01-11-2015 à 17:19:59 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu..

On this morning, it was foggy and snowy, the thermometer was about 5 degrees.I got dresse and I put off the fire before going to the traps I had set up the day before.
There was nothing, neither in the first trap, nor in the second. But a little rabbit was snared on in the third...
I returned to my camp to roast and eat the rabbit.
After this frugal meal, I gathered my compass, my candle, the pages extracted of my notebook, and my old bear fur on a wooden box.
Few minutes later, I was walking trough(orth.) the wood, and digging by hand on the sow in search of plants or roots, when I saw a cave. I went inside and discovered a bear who was sleeping.
I thought that it was the opportunity to have a new bear fur. But suddenly, the..(nom?).. woke and attacked me.So, I began to run and to shout.
Fortunately, there were some Indians hunting near to the cave. When they heard me, they came and killed the bear with spears and arrows.

Réponse: Correction/journal de bord de ldeor, postée le 01-11-2015 à 17:37:08 (S | E)
Merci pour ton aide, je viens de voir que j'avais aussi fait des fautes de frappe!
Par contre par quoi dois -je remplacer : extracted of my notebook?

Réponse: Correction/journal de bord de bluestar, postée le 01-11-2015 à 18:44:23 (S | E)
From my notebook, pas of...

Réponse: Correction/journal de bord de ldeor, postée le 01-11-2015 à 19:11:09 (S | E)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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