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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de etoile12 posté le 22-01-2015 à 21:43:47 (S | E | F)
serait-il possible de corriger mon devoir d'anglais s'il vous plait? Je suis en première et je dois traiter de deux affiches de propagande. J'ai tout fait seule (juste aide du Larousse en ligne).
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.

A world war poster encouraging and promoting the sale of a war loan. The texte is « Lend you shillings to your country and crush the Germans ». This title printed in red is positioned above and below the big image. Both the image ans texte are set against a brown background.
It is the parliamentary War Saving Committee who published this propaganda and david allen . This poster was published in 1915 (one thousand nine hundred fifteen) . This British poster, with humour way was advocated the purchase of war beyond so we think that poster war for the british citizen and even all the population british.
He used humour with german character who is in an pathetic situation, indeed he represent an ugly one commander in chief.
In 1914 (one thousand nine hundred fourteen), the united kingdom and all the countries at war send propaganda campaign to fund the war : national loans. They request to the citizens (particularly farmer) by way of compensation one « Certificate of public-spiritedness »

There is just three colours in this poster : black, yellow and white (or for with the shade in brown). The text wrote from parts and others and say to feed the guns with war bonds help to end the war. We see one military men who go up on the battlefield who see across fieldglass. We think it’s for say that the war be soon going to finish if the people help the country and for encourage citizen to be in the army. The poster signed by « Bert Thomas ». It’s maybe like sacrifice because this propagande published in 1918 and the war was like be never ending (even thought all state was saying « is an easily war ») and for save his family who suffered about this war which killed lot of citizen of all country. 1918 it’s even the date to the Normandy landing when USA « saved » the Allies, so the hope would have used in this poster to show the end of the war.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-01-2015 22:06

Réponse: Correction/Propagande de gerondif, postée le 22-01-2015 à 23:52:55 (S | E)
citez le titre correctement:
Lend your five shillings to your country and crush the Germans
Vous pourriez quand même décrire l'image, le soldat allemand écrasé sous la pièce de 5 shillings et le parallèle avec St George terrassant le dragon sur la pièce. Par curiosité, je suis allé voir ces posters et en lisant votre description, je n'aurais pas pu me les imaginer.
voilà la légende du poster:
War loan. Invest five shillings and help your country to win. LOC Summary: Poster showing a coin with St. George slaying the dragon and the date 1915. LOC Notes: Title from item. Date Created/Published: London : published by the Parliamentary War Savings Committee, 1915.
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
(Mettez un verbe!) This is A world war poster encouraging and promoting the sale of a war loan. The texte is « Lend your five shillings to your country and crush the Germans ». This title printed in red is positioned above and below the big image. Both the image ans texte are set against a brown background.
It is the parliamentary War Saving Committee who published this propaganda and (majuscules)david allen . This poster was published in 1915 (one thousand nine hundred fifteen) . This British poster, with humour way was advocated the purchase of war BONDS beyond so we think that poster war(was) for the british citizen and even all the population british.(adjectif devant le nom )
He used humour with the german character who is in an pathetic situation, indeed he represent(le s du présent!) an ugly one commander in chief.
In 1914 (one thousand nine hundred fourteen), the united kingdom and all the countries at war send(prétérit?) propaganda campaign to fund the war : national loans. They request to the citizens (particularly farmer) by way of compensation one « Certificate of public-spiritedness »

There is(pluriel) just three colours in this poster : black, yellow and white (or for with(sens?? Ah four!)) the shade in brown). The text wrote from(sens?) parts and others and say to feed the guns with war bonds to help to end the war. We see one military men(singulier) who go(le s!) up on the battlefield who see across(mal construit, mauvais relatif, verbe sans s) fieldglass. We think it’s for say that the war be soon going to finish if the people help the country and for encourage citizen(pluriel) to be in the army. The poster is signed by « Bert Thomas ». maybe it’s like sacrifice because this propagande published in 1918 and the war was like be never ending (mal conjugué)(even thought all state(pluriel) was(pluriel) saying « is an easily(il faut un adjectif, pas un adverbe) war ») and for save his(à qui ?) family who suffered about this war which killed a lot of citizen(pluriel) of all country(pluriel). 1918 it’s even the date to the Normandy landing when the USA « saved » the Allies, so the hope would have used( sens) in this poster to show the end of the war.

Ce dernier paragraphe semble assez confus. Le poster n'implique pas ce que vous en dites.

Réponse: Correction/Propagande de etoile12, postée le 23-01-2015 à 07:57:18 (S | E)
Je vous remercie mille fois
ce devoir est à trois, je laisse le plaisir à mes camarades de les décrire précisément, je me suis plus axé sur l'histoire pour donner un point de vue mais je pense donc mettre m'être ratée.
Merci de votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-01-2015 07:58

Réponse: Correction/Propagande de gerondif, postée le 23-01-2015 à 11:04:08 (S | E)
vous avez raison, l'image date de 1918 , c'est donc une analyse supplémentaire que vous donnez, mais il faut au départ décrire l'image, les war bonds nourrissant la mitrailleuse à la place de la bande de cartouches.

Tiens, pour le plaisir, pour les lecteurs de ce message, voilà la légende d'une de ses affiches: (en tapant Bert Thomas sous Google puis images, on tombe sur quelques trésors!)
(dessin de 1939-1946)
'ware spies!
You didn't oughter said it!
version normale mais alambiquée:" You oughtn't to have said it"
version normale compréhensible: "You shouldn't have said it"
Conclusion logique: la guerre nuit gravement à la conjugaison des auxiliaires!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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