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Résumé/Mission Rosetta

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Résumé/Mission Rosetta
Message de melina68 posté le 17-11-2014 à 10:34:59 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous ,
j'ai fait un résumé de la mission Rosetta (Philae) et j'aurais besoin que quelqu'un relise/corrige mon texte...
Merci d'avance !!

You may have heard, the European Space Agency has achieved an historic feat. Indeed, the Philae probe Rosetta mission has finally hit the comet! For those who have not followed this event, Philae is a robot that was sent there for over ten years, aboard the Rosetta satellite in space to go to meet the comet "67P / Churyumov -Gerasimenko ".

After a very long trip, the probe has finally landed Wednesday, November 12 and will be able to examine more precisely the comet. But here everything was not very simple, after touched the comet for the first time, the robot bounced and had to go a second time to succeed at hang on. But the complications continue, it seems that the probe does not have enough sun to charge its batteries. The analysis of this comet is more complicated than expected. The robot has been able to transmit important scientific information since his landing more than 500 million kilometers from Earth. For the moment, Philae is asleep waiting for sunnier days.

But why is this project so important? What makes this event so recognizable is the fact that this comet is very old. According to expert estimates, it dates from the creation of our solar system and contains old particles of about 4.6 billion years.
This first appointment with a comet will allow scientists to the Rosetta mission to learn more about the creation of our planet. If all goes well, we may be able to learn how water arrived on Earth and why the Earth is, according to the explorations, the only planet to contain life in our solar system.

However, in recent days is a debate about the price. Many people think it's too expensive: the Rosetta mission has cost over 1.4 billion euros.
France has participated in 20% of the budget of this great space adventure. If the cost is importantits development work has more than 2,000 employees, while fifty companies took part in the project.
However, some nations turn their backs on this space exploration, which they consider too expensive. Among them, one of the leaders of the conquest of space: the United States. Barack Obama prefers to boost the economy at the expense of space.

Do you think it is important to invest money in space exploration?

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-11-2014 11:00

Réponse: Résumé/Mission Rosetta de bluduck2, postée le 17-11-2014 à 14:32:29 (S | E)
hello melina 68 ! c'est globalement bien mais voici quelques remarques de grammaire
--ligne 2 (it started ) ten years ago;the experiment has been going on for ten years
--ligne 3 événement daté , donc simple past
--ligne 2 to go and...infinitif de but précédé de "and"
--ligne 4 after+Verb +ING--ligne 4 to succeed IN+verb+ING
--ligne 6 robot, mot neutre, donc adjectif possessif its
--ligne 9 Earth ,sans article, comme précedemment .
Vocabulaire :vérifiez ligne 4 "hang on "
ligne 7 to date back
préférez "to enable" à "to allow" (ligne 9 )
Ligne 10 Il semble qu'il y ait une omission :There is a debate /A debate has appeared ..../
Hope this helps.Bluduck2

Réponse: Résumé/Mission Rosetta de melina68, postée le 18-11-2014 à 10:11:41 (S | E)
Merci de m'avoir aidé : ) J'ai essayé de corriger mais je ne suis pas sûre de moi pour certains changements... Ai-je encore des fautes ?

You may have heard, the European Space Agency has achieved a historic feat. Indeed, the Philae probe Rosetta mission has finally hit the comet! For those who have not followed this event, Philae is a robot that was sent there for ten years ago, aboard the Rosetta satellite in space to go and to meet the comet "67P / Churyumov -Gerasimenko ".

After a very long trip, the probe landed finally Wednesday, November 12 and will be able to examine the comet more precisely. But here everything was not very simple, after touch the comet for the first time, the robot bounced and had to go a second time to succeed at cling (s'accrocher). But the complications continue, it seems that the probe does not have enough sun to charge its batteries. The analysis of this comet is more complicated than expected. The robot has been able to transmit important scientific information since its landing more than 500 million kilometers from Earth. For the moment, Philae is asleep waiting for sunnier days.

But why is this project so important? What makes this event so recognizable is the fact that this comet is very old. According to expert estimates, it dates from the creation of our solar system and contains old particles of about 4.6 billion years.
This first appointment with a comet will enable scientists to the Rosetta mission to learn more about the creation of our planet. If all goes well, we may be able to learn how water arrived on Earth and why Earth is, according to the explorations, the only planet to contain life in our solar system.

However, in recent days a debate has appeared about the price. Many people think it's too expensive: the Rosetta mission has cost over 1.4 billion euros.
France has participated in 20% of the budget of this great space adventure. If the cost is importantits development work has more than 2,000 employees, while fifty companies took part in the project.
However, some nations turn their back on this space exploration, which they consider too expensive. Among them, one of the leaders of the conquest of space: the United States. Barack Obama prefers to boost the economy at the expense of space.

Do you think it is important to invest money in space exploration?

Réponse: Résumé/Mission Rosetta de bluduck2, postée le 19-11-2014 à 18:17:14 (S | E)
Hello melina 68 , Il vous faut revoir l'emploi de AGO+ Simple past et de FOR + present perfect
Ligne 2 , c'est AGO (tout seul!) qui convient.
Ligne 4 , after +Verb+ING (after touchING)Ligne 4 ,to succeed IN +Verb+ING
Ligne 7 ,pour faire référence à une date dans le passé,il vous faut BACK
Ligne 8 précisez "particles WHICH are 4.6 billion years old
Ligne 12 relisez le fragment de phrase qui contient its development : it employed 2000 workers (2000 people worked on the project)
J'espère vous avoir aidée ! Bluduck2


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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