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Correction/article presse

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/article presse
Message de kartereu posté le 02-12-2013 à 18:27:50 (S | E | F)

La consigne de l’exercice consiste à écrire un article de journal sur les événements du 25 juin 2013, après avoir vu un extrait de la CBS : Lien internet

Le but est de changer le point de vue.Pouvez-vous le corriger s'il vous plaît?
Voici mon devoir : A Chinese group of workers are defending themselves against factory relocating

For five years, Chinese workers have been held there American executive hostage to fight back. The executive whose name is Chip Starnes is the boss of medical supply company.
One guardian reporter has gone in place for interview the protagonists and the executive, in order to know more in this case. We have learnt that Chip Starnes refused to pay wages and that he has fired jobs in the factory. We have listened the Chinese worker on the subject of wages.
Gxao Ping, a worker: “He didn’t pay us wages for two month”, “the company fired 30 jobs and it has given them sum of money but now, it want to relocate to India and if we don’t want follow it, it will laid-off all employees without give us the same sum”.
All employees have told us the same statement. The company have been unfair with theirs Chinese workers and in this way these have put themselves in position to negotiate the payment of wages and theirs laid-off.
Of course Chip Starnes denies haven’t paid the workers and he have called the employees to be “jealous”.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-12-2013 21:36


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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