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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de mariamjamila posté le 26-05-2013 à 20:32:27 (S | E | F)

encore une autre notion du Bac oral d'anglais que j'ai pour après-demain.
Je vous prie de bien vouloir m'aider !
Merci encore!!

Shakespeare is a famous writer of the XVIe century who published many comedies, tragedies ans history plays. Shakespeare's plays have been translated into more than 180 languages and his words have inspired operas, musicals, ballets, painting and movies.

Shakespeare's a great charatcter designer. The number and diversity of human types that staged surprises the reader who feels admiration. For example, we can talk about Lady McBeath which is today, considered by a lot as one of most difficult female roles of Western repertoire. After the death of the King Duncan she falls into madness despite of accomplishement of what she wanted. So Shakey.speare leads us from fear and hatred to compassion for the guilty because of his own misery. We find the same system for Shylock.
So, Romeo and Juliet remain the symbol of love and their history the symbole of stupidity of rivality between 2 families and also destinity. The character of Richard is one of the best known characters. He wants to bexome King of England and decided to use all possible means to make his dreams come true. He finally achieve his goal but his success is short lived. This play was created by Shakespeare to conserve the image of the real and tyrant King of England Richard III. It's a particulary complex person.
So thought his characters, Shakespeare speaks about Man (l'Homme), his strenghts, his weaknesses, his mistakes etc.. So, Shakespeare talks about life and how to live. All of us is concerned by the messages gived by his works.

As Ben Jonson said : "Shakespeare is not of an age but for all time". That's why he's still present today.
Many of phrases Shakespeare invented are still commonly used in English language as : fair play, live long day, barefaced..
They're troops of actords like the Reduced Shakespeare Company in America who plays some peaces of comedy and tragedy of Shakespeare.
Many of plays have been rewriting, including Hamlet and Kind Lear also, which xas transposed in Japan in a film adaptation of Akira Kurosawa's Ran.
Shakespeare's famous around the world and the English is freuently called "the language of Shakespeare" as the author has marked the language of his country by inventing many terms and expressions and by remain famous.
Many of citations are today famous like the monologue of Jacques in AS You Like It called "All the world is a stage"

To conclude, Shakespeare's universal appeal is largely due to the timeless and placeless nature of his narrative and the intelligence of his observations about humanity. Some will say like the French writer Alexandre Dumas "After God, Shakespeare created most"

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2013 20:42

Réponse: Correction/Bac de bluestar, postée le 27-05-2013 à 10:41:11 (S | E)

Shakespeare is a famous writer of the XVIe (francais) century who published many comedies, tragedies ans history plays. Shakespeare's plays have been translated into more than 180 languages and his words have inspired operas, musicals, ballets, painting(pluriel) and movies.

Shakespeare's a great charatcter(orth.) designer (pas le mot juste). The number and diversity of human types that staged surprises the reader who feels admiration. For example, we can talk about Lady McBeath (orth.) which is today, considered by a lot as one of most difficult female roles of Western repertoire. After the death of the King Duncan she falls into madness despite of accomplishement of what she wanted. So Shakey.speare leads us from fear and hatred to compassion for the guilty because of his own misery. We find the same system (pas le mot juste) for Shylock.
So, Romeo and Juliet remain the symbol of love and their history the symbole (orth.) of stupidity of rivality (orth.) between 2 families and also destinity. (orth.)The character of Richard is one of the best known characters. He wants to bexome (orth.)King of England and decided (melange des temps) to use all possible means to make his dreams come true. He finally achieve his goal but his success is short-lived. This play was created by Shakespeare to conserve the image of the real and tyrant King of England Richard III. It's (mauvais pronom) a particularly complex person.
So thought his characters, Shakespeare speaks about Man (l'Homme), his strenghts,(orth.) his weaknesses, his mistakes etc.. So, Shakespeare talks about life and how to live. All of us is concerned by the messages gived by his works.

As Ben Jonson said : "Shakespeare is not of an age but for all time". That's why he's still present today.
Many of phrases Shakespeare invented are still commonly used in English language as : fair play, live long day, barefaced..
They're troops of actords like the Reduced Shakespeare Company in America who (mauvais pronom) plays (accorde) some peaces (orth.) of comedy and tragedy of Shakespeare.
Many of plays have been rewriting, including Hamlet and Kind Lear also, which xas transposed in Japan in a film adaptation of Akira Kurosawa's Ran.
Shakespeare's famous around the world and the English is frequently called "the language of Shakespeare" as the author has marked the language of his country by inventing many terms and expressions and by remain famous.
Many of citations (pas le mot juste) are today famous like the monologue of Jacques in ASs You Like It called "All the world is a stage"

To conclude, Shakespeare's universal appeal is largely due to the timeless and placeless nature of his narrative and the intelligence of his observations about humanity. Some will say like the French writer Alexandre Dumas "After God, Shakespeare created most"



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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