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Aide Bac/Beverly Hills

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide Bac/Beverly Hills
Message de sarahdu26 posté le 25-05-2013 à 12:37:34 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

je vais passer un oral d'anglais d'une durée d'environ 10 minutes.
Je dois parler de ma passion.
J'ai écrit ce que je compte plus ou moins dire.
Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, m'apporter votre aide en ce qui concerne d'éventuelles corrections de fautes d'accord ou de concordance etc...
Merci beaucoup

My favorti series: Beverly hills 90210
The chosen theme is on my favorite series. I follows the misadventure of a group of friends being at the high school. Liam, Annie, Silver, Naomie, Adrianna, Navid, Dixon, Teddy, Ivy arrived at them things painful. It is a dramatic series, sensitive and at the same time humorously.
This series reminds me and my life because Annie one of the main characters of this series go with his family to live in beverly hills. She integrate a West Beverly high and quickly make friends with a group of friends.
It is the situation that I have already lived two years ago by integrating the Marcel Gimond high school in Aubenas in boarding school,I am very well to integrated and made for many friends.
Annie also reminds me because her character is close to mine, it allows me to become identified with her.
The series also reminds me my current life because Beverly hills 90210 is reflected that have lives we the young people because situation which he live are situation which the young people high school student also can live.
I like this series because the characters are charming, interpreted well by good actor, history are very interesting. This series is to realize to Beverly hills thus magnificent sets make dream with their bourgeois districts.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-05-2013 12:55

Réponse: Aide Bac/Beverly Hills de delf2312, postée le 26-05-2013 à 15:23:44 (S | E)

The chosen theme
is on my favorite series. I follows it tells/ it is about the misadventures of a group of friends being at thein high school. Liam, Annie, Silver, Naomie, Adrianna, Navid, Dixon, Teddy, Ivy arrived at them go through en anglais l'adjectif est toujours avant le nom things painful. It is a dramatic series TV show, sensitive and at the same time humorously.
This series reminds me and my (reminds me of my life) life because Annie one of the main characters of this series go with his family to live in beverly hills. She integrates a West Beverly high and quickly makes friends with a group of (friends). >> young people
It is the situation that I have already lived two years ago by integrating the Marcel Gimond high school in Aubenas in boarding school,I am very well to integrated and made for many friends .
Annie also reminds me (I also identify with Annie ?) because her character is close to mine, (it allows me to become identified with her.)
The series also reminds me my current life because Beverly hills 90210 is reflected that have lives we the young people because situation which he live (trad en ligne ?) are situation which the young people high school student also can live.
I like this series because the characters are charming, interpreted well by good actors, history stories are very interesting. This series is to realize to Beverly hills thus magnificent sets make dream with their bourgeois districts.

Ce que j'ai souligné est pour dire que ce morceau de phrase est confus où bien qu'il s'agit d'une faute que vous avez déjà commise dans l'autre sujet sur tonic gym.
Attention à ne pas oublier les /s/ du pluriel et de la 3e pers.
Bye !

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2013 17:48

Réponse: Aide Bac/Beverly Hills de sarahdu26, postée le 29-05-2013 à 21:41:33 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide! ça me sauve la vie!
Merci beaucoup!

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-05-2013 21:52


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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