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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de kimmy1703 posté le 13-04-2013 à 11:51:35 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous corriger mes deux textes s'il vous palit ? Je me suis relue mais je suis certaine que j'ai fait plein d'erreurs.
Merci d'avance !

Texte de présentation :
My name is [prénom] i was born on seventeenth March 1998 in xxx, in France and i am from [Pays]. I am fifteen years old.In my family we are seven I live with my both parents and I have three sisters her names are [les prénoms de mes trois soeurs] and one brother his name is [le prénom de mon frère]. I enjoy the pets, i've always had animals, this is my passion. Later i would become a veterinarian. Currently i have a mouse some think this is weird but i like getting to know new animals. I also really  like the school especially the history. I think that I said the most importants informations of me.

Texte d'un des mes voyages :
Of all the trips I've done, I've decided to tell you about my trip to England with the school. This holiday was fabulous, I visited and saw lots of beautiful sights like Big Ben, the House of Parliament, the London Eyes, Westminster Abbey, St James Square and Oxford Castle which is my favorite monument. The history of Oxford Castle interested me particularly some say that this former prison is haunted by the prisoners who died there, many tourists come hunt ghosts. I thinks it is to attract tourists
Otherwise i discovered the food in England in restaurant where I tasted scones with cream, it was delicious and I also tasted the food in England in my host family i did not like the salt and milk. I saw that English was warm and welcoming. I love the work I've done: we cross the Thames, we cross another lake in a boat, we buy souvenirs shops in English, we cross a small street, there were small shows, I remember a man who played the guitar to earn money.I love this week in England, the scenery was wonderful, warm and welcoming English and I spent a great time with my friends that I will never forget.

Merci à ceux qui me corrigeront. xxx
Merci infiniment !

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2013 18:21
Nous corrigeons seulement ce que vous postez sur le forum.
Autre question effacée car hors-sujet.

Réponse: Correction/textes de bluestar, postée le 14-04-2013 à 16:23:56 (S | E)

Je crains que votre compréhension de la ponctuation est très faible. J'ai mis un X où vous avez besoin d'un arrêt complet dans votre texte. Après un arrêt complet la première lettre de la phrase suivante devrait toujours être une lettre majuscule ... Aussi, utilisez toujours une majuscule pour la première personne du singulier. C'est toujours 'I' et jamais 'i' ... Vous devriez changer votre texte où vous avez écrit 'i'...
Bonne chance!

My name is [prénom] X i was born on seventeenth 17th March 1998 in xxx, in France and i am from [Pays]. I am fifteen years old.In my family we are seven X I live with my both parents and I have three sisters X her (pluriel) names are [les prénoms de mes trois soeurs] and one brother X his name is [le prénom de mon frère]. I enjoy the pets, X i've always had animals, this is my passion. Later i would (temps?) become a veterinarian. Currently i have a mouse X some think this is weird but i like getting to know new animals. I also really like the school especially the history. I think that I said the most importants informations of me. (adjectifs n'ont pas besoin d'un pluriel en anglais et "information" est au singulier)

Of all the trips I've done, I've decided to tell you about my trip to England with the school. This holiday was fabulous, I visited and saw lots of beautiful sights like Big Ben, the House (pluriel) of Parliament, the London Eyes (singulier), Westminster Abbey, St James Square and Oxford Castle which is my favorite monument. The history of Oxford Castle interested me particularly X some say that this former prison is haunted by the prisoners who died there, X many tourists come to hunt ghosts. I thinks it is to attract tourists
Otherwise i discovered the food in England in restaurant where I tasted scones with cream, it (pluriel) was delicious and I also tasted the food in England X in my host family i did not like the salt and milk. I saw that the English was (pluriel) warm and welcoming. I love the work I've done: we cross (temps?) the Thames, we cross another lake (river?) in a boat, we buy (temps) souvenirs shops in English, we cross (temps) a small street, X there were small shows, and I remember a man who played the guitar to earn money.I love (temps) this week in England, the scenery was wonderful, the English warm and welcoming English and I spent a great time with my friends that I will never forget

Réponse: Correction/textes de kimmy1703, postée le 14-04-2013 à 19:41:52 (S | E)
J'ai effectivement vu mes erreurs lorsque j'ai appris mon texte et je les avais pratiquement toutes repérées.
Merci pour votre correction !

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2013 20:21


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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