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Correction /Henry Ford

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Henry Ford
Message de marion200 posté le 18-02-2013 à 22:08:54 (S | E | F)

je voulais savoir si vous pouviez, s'il vous plait, m'aider à corriger ces phrases ? :
Thanks a lot!

Unhesitatingly, Henry Ford is the one that represents the most the economic success.
The reason that seems obvious to me is related to the respective time of these two characters.
Henry Ford is the origin of Fordism. In fact it was him who in 1913 implemented the famous assembly line for his famous Model T, a system that has helped considerably increase the production to a larger scale and to generate amazing income for the period.
Ford embodies the second industrial revolution that is automobile. It's thanks to him that there is mass production. If he had not invented that Steve Jobs wouldn't have produced so much Iphones.
Steve Jobs had only finally "ride the informatic wave" already well established when he founded the company in 1976 and the Apple Macintosh in 1984. It embodies the third industrial revolution that is IT, the digital revolution and globalization.

For me they are all heroes because they have somehow changed the world and make it easier for many people and indeed for the whole world.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2013 22:21

Réponse: Correction /Henry Ford de joebrodie, postée le 21-02-2013 à 10:13:21 (S | E)

Unhesitatingly, Henry Ford is the one that represents the most the economic success.
The reason that seems obvious to me is related to the respective time of these two characters. (Pourtant vous n'avez pour l'instant cité que Ford?)
Henry Ford is AT the origin of Fordism. In fact it was him who in 1913 implemented the famous assembly line for his famous Model T, a system that has helped considerably increase the production to a larger scale and to generate amazing income for the period.
Ford embodies the second industrial revolution that is automobile. It's thanks to him that there is mass production. If he had not invented that Steve Jobs wouldn't have produced so much Iphones.
Steve Jobs had only finally "ridden the informatic wave" (you mean the computer boom or PC boom?) already well established when he founded the company in 1976 and the Apple Macintosh in 1984. It embodies the third industrial revolution that is IT (develop, maybe), the digital revolution and globalization.

En espérant vous avoir aidé(e), par contre ce qui m'étonne (mais j'ai peut-être mal saisi), Jobs en 76 est un pionnier avec le PC, ce qui n'est pas la même chose que de surfer sur la vague déjà établie. Mais c'est votre texte.

Voilà, bonne continuation!



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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