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Dialogue/ plainte

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Dialogue/ plainte
Message de kaaris posté le 18-02-2013 à 17:37:33 (S | E | F)
je dois rédiger un dialogue téléphonique qui met en scène la plainte d'un client.
Si vous trouvez des fautes ou des non-sens faites-vous plaisir!
Merci par avance.

-Good morning ,ice swatch london,can i help you?
-Good morning,yes can I speak person in charge of the refunds?
-It's me!Could you explain me what seems to be the problem?
-The alarm doesn't work and the strap leaves a blue mark on my wrist when i take it off.
-Oh,can I have the "numéro de série" of the watch please?
-It's the 1-4-4-8-9-8.
-Could you repeat that please?
-1-4-4-8-9-8.I'm very dissatisfied with the product.If you don't replace the product,i'll complain to the "siege social"
-I understand your frustration.Have you worn the water in the shower perhaps sir?
-No and I only bought it two weeks ago.
it's still under guarantee but i must say for the amount of money I paid for it, I'm very disappointed.
-I'm sorry you've been inconvenienced.would you like a refund?
-No,i'd rather have the watch replaced please.
- i'll just take down your purchasing details and we'll get this changed for you in no time at all.Can you said me your name,adress,and the name of the model.
-My name is Carol bradlowski ,16 street of liberty and the name of the model is aventador.
-Could you spell me your name?
-C-a-r-o-l , b-r-a-d-l-o-w-s-k-i
-Thank you.Me and the company are terribly sorry about this problem.You can come take your new watch tomorrow.
-Thank you for your help.Have a nice day, goodbye.
-You're welcome me bradlowski, goodbye.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2013 18:02

Réponse: Dialogue/ plainte de kaaris, postée le 21-02-2013 à 20:23:26 (S | E)
Merci de m'aider s'il vous plaît!

Réponse: Dialogue/ plainte de notrepere, postée le 23-02-2013 à 19:46:30 (S | E)

Ah, its the entitlement generation.

-Good morning ,ice swatch london,can i help you?
-Good morning,yes can I speak [2 mots] person in charge of the refunds?
-It's me!Could you explain [préposition] me what seems to be the problem?
-The alarm doesn't work and the strap leaves a blue mark on my wrist when i take it off.
-Oh,can I have the "numéro de série" of the watch please?
-It's the 1-4-4-8-9-8.
-Could you repeat that please?
-1-4-4-8-9-8.I'm very dissatisfied with the product.If you don't replace the product,i'll complain to the "siege social"
-I understand your frustration.Have you worn the water in the shower perhaps sir?
-No and I only bought it two weeks ago.
it's still under guarantee but i must say for the amount of money I paid for it, I'm very disappointed.
-I'm sorry you've been inconvenienced.would you like a refund?
-No,i'd rather have the watch replaced please.
- i'll just take down your purchasing details and we'll get this changed for you in no time at all.Can you said me your name,address,and the name of the model.
-My name is Carol bradlowski ,16 street of liberty and the name of the model is aventador.
-Could you spell me your name?
-C-a-r-o-l , b-r-a-d-l-o-w-s-k-i
-Thank you.Me and the company are terribly sorry about this problem.You can come take your new watch tomorrow.
-Thank you for your help.Have a nice day, goodbye.
-You're welcome me bradlowski, goodbye.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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