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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de sweetqueen posté le 24-05-2012 à 21:44:30 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !

Voici un texte d'anglais que j'aimerais que vous vérifiiez, si possible,s'il vous plaît !

" I think he told her he is leaving her but moreover, he is likely to be cheatting on her. He might have been involved in a relationship with someone else and may have fell in love with that unknow woman. I understand it how hard it can be to feel attractive by someone when you are married, but they swear to love each other. They are supposed to progress, to grow old together and to died side by side. But more the time goes, less sacred is the marriage. Be leaving by her husband because of another woman is really hard and humiliating for a wife, especially a loving one. Of course, he had to tell her as soon as possible but I think it will have some aftermath, unfortunately. I definitely think she will kill him, because of his betrayal. On one hand, I understand her. He went home everyday, kissed her and talked to her, lied to her everyday but it's not right. How can somebody do that ? Look in the eye of someone and see how much that person loves her but lying and date someone else, whom besides can be a person who will leave you just a few months later. I guess Mary feels betrayed and idiot for not discover the truth earlier. But on the other hand, she shouldn't have done that. She ruined her life, just because of a man who didn't deserve to be with her. It wasn't premeditated, she just reacted really fast and with impulsiveness. I suppose you right « love drives us crazy » . "

Merci d'avance !
Bonne soirée !

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-05-2012 21:50

Réponse: Correction/relationship de bluestar, postée le 25-05-2012 à 16:50:58 (S | E)
I think he told her he is leaving her but moreover superflu, and he is likely to be cheatting on her. He might may have been involved in a relationship with someone else and may have fell in love with that unknown woman. I understand it how hard it can be to feel attractive by someone when you are married, but they swear to love each other. They are supposed to progress (superflu), to grow old together and to died side by side. But the more the time goes passes, the less sacred is the marriage. Be leaving by her husband because of another woman is really hard and humiliating for a wife, especially a loving one. Of course, he had to tell her as soon as possible but I think it will have some aftermath, unfortunately. I definitely think she will kill him, because of his betrayal. On the one hand, I understand her. He went home everyday>(deux mots), kissed her and talked to her, lied to her everyday (deux mots) but it's not right. How can somebody do that ? Look in the eye of someone and see how much that person loves her (mauvais pronom personnel) but lying lie and date someone else, whom besides can be a person who will leave you just a few months later. I guess Mary feels betrayed and idiot for not discover(participle needed) the truth earlier. But on the other hand, she shouldn't have done that. She ruined her life, just because of a man who didn't deserve to be with her. It wasn't premeditated, she just reacted really fast and with impulsiveness. I suppose you are right « love drives us crazy » . "

Modifié par bluestar le 25-05-2012 16:57


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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