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Children's choices

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Children's choices
Message de th3guitarnight posté le 19-09-2011 à 21:01:32 (S | E | F)

Pour demain je dois rendre un essai de 200-300 mots comprenant une intro et deux parties (thèse-anti-thèse). Sujet type bac.
Pourriez-vous m'aider avec les fautes de grammaire et de temps s'il vous plaît? Ce serait adorable

( sujet: )Should parents interfere with their children's choices?

Most of the time, the parents want to well-bred their children. During their childhood, they want to make their own decisions, but parents may not agree due their life experience. It`s an important question to examine, because without rules and further opinions, we would do a Wild Life. A variety of different arguments have been put forward to this issue. “Education is the best provision for old age”, said Aristotle.

Firstly, parents have the full responsibility on the future of their children. To be considered as good parents, their children have to make mistakes as less as possible. In fact, when the child takes the wrong decision, parents have to make him understand what is wrong in his idea. The parent`s life knowledge can help the child to learn to do the best thing.

However, parents shouldn`t go against all their kids decisions. Oscar Wilde said: “Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes”. And experience is important, it makes Humans more aware. It`s important to let freedom to the children, because they can learn what is good and bad alone.

Finally, I would say that it must be a balance between the“let do”and the “forbid”. Parents have to give advices to their kids, always directing them toward the right path, but they have to let them learn on their own.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-09-2011 21:22


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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