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About loyalty in relationship

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About loyalty in relationship
Message de vieestbelle posté le 29-12-2010 à 15:57:34 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone .
I am learning English as a second language. I wrote an essay about loyalty in a relationship .
Can someone correct my grammar mistakes in my essay please? and give your their opinion about my essay and give a mark mark to my essay.
Thank you for your answers.

Question: loyalty is an important aspect for a relationship or not?

Loyalty means the quality or state of being faithful.Many human beings expect loyalty from the people in their lives.Loyalty is one of the most stressed aspects of a relationship,which generates a great deal of heated debate ,with supporters maintaining that loyalty is an important aspect of a relationship whilst opponents claim that loyalty is not a big deal.Quite frankley, I tend to think that loyalty is important in a relationship.

To begin with , The absence of loyalty in any type of relationship can lead to a number of personal and social problems. For example , when inloyalty causes a divorce, the children may be negatively affected by the split. Issues involving loyalty can also lead to jealousy, fear and anger in both parties. This could in turn lead to destructive patterns, such as domestic violence, mental illness due to insecurity and paranoia within a relationship, and expensive lawsuits.

Secondly , Loyalty is important to any relationship as it is an indicator on the trust and value that both patners place on it.This idea can best be illistrated by an example.For instance ,Loyalty is of momentous importance in a mariage partner .Since the mariage life is a huge commitment for the couples who cloose each other as an overlasting life partner , without loyalty it will turn out to be a strrugle rather than a tranquilizing we can say that the expectation of loyalty within a marital relationship is an unwritten rule.It is similar to a contract .When a contract of trust is breached, the marital relationship can fall apart.

In conclusion , let me say that loyalty is very important in a relationship.In today's society, loyalty is something that most people no longer pay mind to. It has become so common to lie or cheat in a relationship that it is not looked at as a loss of moral values for most of today's modern and more liberal society. Hopefully with time I hope that most people will realise that loyalty is one of the most important values and make the world a better place to live.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-12-2010 16:01

Réponse: About loyalty in relationship de gerondif, postée le 29-12-2010 à 17:50:53 (S | E)

Question: loyalty is an important aspect for a relationship or not?(inverser verbe et sujet)

Loyalty means the quality or state of being faithful.Many human beings expect loyalty from the people in their lives.Loyalty is one of the most stressed aspects of a relationship,which generates a great deal of heated debate ,with supporters maintaining that loyalty is an important aspect of a relationship whilst(while est plus moderne) opponents claim that loyalty is not a big deal.Quite frankley, I tend to think that loyalty is important in a relationship.

To begin with , The absence of loyalty in any type of relationship can lead to a number of personal and social problems. For example , when inloyalty(semble ne pas exister. disloyalty ?) causes a divorce, the children may be negatively affected by the split. Issues involving loyalty can also lead to jealousy, fear and anger in both parties. This could in turn lead to destructive patterns, such as domestic violence, mental illness due to insecurity and paranoia within a relationship, and expensive lawsuits.

Secondly , Loyalty is important to any relationship as it is an indicator on the trust and value that both patners place on it.This idea can best be illistrated by an example.For instance ,Loyalty is of momentous importance in a mariage partner(?? bizarre! for a marriage partner qui est une personne ou in a marriage partnership qui est un concept) .Since the mariage life is a huge commitment for the couples who cloose each other as an overlasting life partner , without loyalty it will turn out to be a strrugle rather than a tranquilizing we can say that the expectation of loyalty within a marital relationship is an unwritten rule.It is similar to a contract .When a contract of trust is breached (broken?), the marital relationship can fall apart.

In conclusion , let me say that loyalty is very important in a relationship.In today's society, loyalty is something that most people no longer pay mind(to pay attention to) to. It has become so common to lie or cheat in a relationship that it is not looked at(changez de préposition, verbe considérer) as a loss of moral values for most of today's modern and more liberal society. Hopefully (répétition avec le I hope qui suit)with time I hope that most people will realise that loyalty is one of the most important values and make the world a better place to live.

Réponse: About loyalty in relationship de vieestbelle, postée le 29-12-2010 à 18:33:53 (S | E)
thanks for correcting my mistakes !

I have corrected .Please take a look at it and point out if there is any other mistakes. thank you

Loyalty means the quality or state of being faithful. Loyalty is one of the most stressed aspects of a relationship, which generates a great deal of heated debate ,with supporters maintaining that loyalty is an important aspect of a relationship, whilst opponents claim that loyalty is not a big deal. Quite frankly, I tend to think that loyalty is important in a relationship.

To begin with, the absence of loyalty in any type of relationship can lead to a number of personal and social problems. For example, when disloyalty causes a divorce, the children may be negatively affected by the split. Issues involving loyalty can also lead to jealousy, fear and anger in both parties. This could in turn lead to destructive patterns, such as domestic violence, mental illness due to insecurity and paranoia within a relationship, and expensive lawsuits.

Secondly, loyalty is important to any relationship as it is an indicator on the trust and value that both partners place on it. This idea can best be illustrated by an example. For instance, loyalty is of momentous importance in a marriage partnership. Since the marriage is a huge commitment for the couples who chose each other as an everlasting life partner. Without loyalty it will turn out to be a struggle rather than a tranquilizing life. So we can say that the expectation of loyalty within a marital relationship is an unwritten rule. It is similar to a contract .When a contract of trust is breached(yes it signifies broken ), the marital relationship can fall apart.

In conclusion, let me say that loyalty is very important in a relationship. In today's society, loyalty is something that most people no longer pay attention to. It has become so common to lie or cheat in a relationship that it is not looked at( what is the mistake here.i dont understand .) as a loss of moral values for most of today's modern and more liberal society. I hope that in future people will realise that loyalty is one of the most important values and make the world a better place to live.

thank you

Modifié par vieestbelle le 29-12-2010 18:34

Réponse: About loyalty in relationship de gerondif, postée le 29-12-2010 à 19:58:33 (S | E)
Hello again,

Loyalty means the quality or state of being faithful. Loyalty is one of the most stressed( stressed or stressful) aspects of a relationship, which generates a great deal of heated debate ,with supporters maintaining that loyalty is an important aspect of a relationship, whilst (fait quand même obsolète par rapport a while ou whereas) opponents claim that loyalty is not a big deal(niveau de language de "no big deal" dans cet essai philosophique). Quite frankly, I tend to think that loyalty is important in a relationship.

To begin with, the absence of loyalty in any type of relationship can lead to a number of personal and social problems. For example, when disloyalty causes a divorce, the children (of that couple) may be negatively affected by the split. Issues involving loyalty can also lead to jealousy, fear and anger in both parties. This could in turn lead to destructive patterns, such as domestic violence, mental illness due to insecurity and paranoia within a relationship, and expensive lawsuits.

Secondly, loyalty is important to(in?) any relationship as it is an indicator on(of?) the trust and value that both partners place on it. This idea can best be illustrated by an example. For instance, loyalty is of momentous (tremendous?) importance in a marriage partnership. Since the marriage is a huge commitment for the couples who chose each other as an everlasting life partner (après votre subordonnée en since, il n'y a pas de principale, ou alors ce point et cette majuscule à without sont faux)). Without loyalty it will turn out to be a struggle rather than a tranquilizing (j'aurais mis un autre adjectif) life. So we can say that the expectation of loyalty within a marital relationship is an unwritten rule. It is similar to a contract .When a contract of trust is breached(yes it signifies broken ), the marital relationship can fall apart.

In conclusion, let me say that loyalty is very important in a relationship. In today's society, loyalty is something that most people no longer pay attention to. It has become so common to lie or cheat in a relationship that it is not looked at( what is the mistake here.I dont understand; It's not a mistake, I simply wanted to make you use a different word, you look at an object or a person, not at a concept) : to look upon, to look on, considérer, to consider) as a loss of moral values for most of today's modern and more liberal society. I hope that in future people will realise that loyalty is one of the most important values and make the world a better place to live.

Réponse: About loyalty in relationship de vieestbelle, postée le 29-12-2010 à 20:23:23 (S | E)
Thank you very much for your help sir .
I'll correct the mistakes you pointed out.
Once again thank you very much.
By the way , happy new year to you & your family

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-12-2010 23:35


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