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Tobacco company

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Tobacco company
Message de elii-se posté le 09-12-2010 à 09:55:56 (S | E | F)
voici la présentation d'un article; pourriez-vous s'il vous plait m'aider dans la correction de l'anglais de cet article?
D'autre part, la structure de ma présentation est-elle cohérente et compréhensible?
En vous remerciant.

The article is talking about MXXX Light brand. On these cigarettes package, smokers can believe that they smoke cigarettes which were lower in tar and nicotine. PXXX MXXX tobacco are indict because everyone who smokes can believe its light cigarettes were less harmful than regular ones.
PXXX MXXX made reference by the term “light” only to cigarette’s lighter taste, for them, people who will smoke know that is harmful to their health. It’s not because it is write “light” on cigarette packaging that people will more smoke. If it’s the case, people will more smoke light cigarettes because they inadvertently cover the ventilation holes in the filters with their lips and fingers and to compensate, smoke more.
Moreover, tobacco company used to lawsuit, they have developed strategy of denials, disinformation to put up a fight.
Tillery attorney for the plaintiffs can’t struggle against Tobacco Company even if he showed that light cigarettes were as potent as regular ones.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-12-2010 09:58

Réponse: Tobacco company de ariette, postée le 09-12-2010 à 10:48:17 (S | E)

The article is talking ==> an article doesn’t talk : is about or deals with…
these cigarettes package : accord ?
were : temps
tobacco are indict : vocabulaire
made reference by the term “light” only to cigarette’s lighter taste… : structure de la phrase à revoir
it is write : passif
that people will more smoke : à revoir (place de l'adverbe)
used to lawsuit : construction ; do you mean ‘are used to’ ?

si ceci est l’introduction, la présentation, il y a trop de détails et vos phrases sont trop longues donc difficiles à comprendre.

Bon courage et belle ‘fête des lumières’

Réponse: Tobacco company de elii-se, postée le 09-12-2010 à 11:48:14 (S | E)
Oui, la fête des lumières c'est pour ce soir, en espérant qu'un jeudi, il y ait moins de monde!
En attendant, merci pour votre correction, voici ce que j'en retire:
The article deals with MXXX Light brand. On these cigarettes’s package, smokers can believe that they smoke cigarettes which are lower in tar and nicotine. PXXX MXXX tobacco are charge because everyone who smokes can believe its light cigarettes were less harmful than regular ones.
PXXX MXXX made reference by the term “light” to cigarette which has lighter taste, for them, people who will smoke know that is harmful to their health. It’s not because it is written “light” on cigarette packaging that people will smoke more. If it’s the case, people will more smoke light cigarettes because they inadvertently cover the ventilation holes in the filters with their lips and fingers and to compensate, smoke more.
Moreover, Tobacco Company are used to have lawsuit, they have developed strategy of denials, disinformation to put up a fight.
Tillery attorney for the plaintiffs can’t struggle against Tobacco Company even if he showed that light cigarettes were as potent as regular ones.



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