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Resume of an article

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Resume of an article
Message de georgias posté le 14-11-2010 à 19:32:21 (S | E | F)
I tried to make a resume of the text that we studied in English class. Is it possible to check my faults errors please?
Thank you.

"The text we were to study "Call your bank to account" is an article from the Times dated on August 1994 which focus on services received by people from their bank. We can notice that the top five high street clearers will have made megabucks profits. Thus we may wonder whether customers will get any perks from the increase of bank profits. Everybody in the text seems not to share the same point of view.

On the one hand the banks think their profits satisfy customers insofar as they now can spend a lot to improve technology and others services. Barclay for instance is convinced that a grand part [I didn't know how to say] of its profits has been realized thanks to the high street clearers. Midlan supports the Barclay'view.

On the other hand Graeme Jacobs, a person who is specialized in money matters, is in a position to speak on behalf of customers. According to his survey people don't receive enough services from their bank. For example it will be good to raise standards of customer service to listen in them [être à leur écoute].

In a third part we are told that lots of banks have been closed. Therefore people are sometimes made to travel quite far to find a bank. Then to cope with the problem and to cut costs, the higt street banks are turning to telephone banking whose use is less expensive than keeping a branch with all its premises.

All things considered I would say that the problem evocated in this article in 1994 which occurs banks services meets [or happens], to some extend, nowadays yet."

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-11-2010 21:37

Réponse: Resume of an article de laure95, postée le 15-11-2010 à 16:06:07 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:
"The text we were to study (conjuguer juste STUDY au prétérit) "Call your bank to account" is an article from the Times dated on August 1994 which focus (conjugaison!) on services received by people from their bank. We can notice that the top five of high street clearers will have made megabucks profits. Thus we may wonder whether customers will get any perks from the increase of bank profits. Everybody in the text seems not to share the same point of view.

On the one hand the banks think their profits satisfy (mettre 1 possessif) customers insofar as they now can (inverser l'ordre des mots) spend a lot to improve technology and others (pas de "s") services. Barclay for instance is convinced that a grand part [I didn't know how to say: big, great] of its profits has been realized thanks to the high street clearers. Midlan supports the Barclay's view.

On the other hand Graeme Jacobs, a person who is specialized in money matters, is in a position to speak on behalf (the spokesman) of customers. According to his survey people don't receive enough services from their bank. For example it will be good to raise standards of customer service to listen in them [être à leur écoute: TO LISTEN TO].

In a third part we are told that lots of banks have been closed. Therefore people are sometimes made (forced, obliged) to travel quite far to find a bank. Then to cope with the problem and to cut costs, the higt (orthographe) street banks are turning to telephone banking whose use is less expensive than keeping a branch with all its premises.

All things considered I would say that the problem evocated in this article in 1994 which occurs banks services meets [or happens], ? to some extend (orthographe), nowadays yet."

je ne comprends pas ta dernière phrase.

Réponse: Resume of an article de georgias, postée le 16-11-2010 à 16:17:02 (S | E)
D'accord, merci beaucoup pour ta réponse. La dernière phrase je l'ai modifiée en l'écrivant d'une façon plus simple car je trouvais aussi qu'elle ne voulait pas dire grand chose.
Merci bien en tout cas!


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