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My son (correction)

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My son (correction)
Message de matt91100 posté le 08-12-2009 à 22:28:59 (S | E | F)


Ayant des difficultés en anglais, j'ai essayé de faire du mieux possible pour faire ma composition écrite. J'aurais besoin d'aide afin de me corriger car j'ai des doutes surtout au niveau du temps de mes verbes.

Voici ce que j'ai fait:

There are 7 months that you left my son. I am writing this letter in order to know how you feel. How does your life there?
I have learnt that your unit is going back in the base camp by the TV. The last letter that I have received from you, you said me that the battle was very hard and you asking yourself if you hadn’t make mistake.

Last week, I have a visit from your friend soldier, Paul Stewart. We have argued about the life in Irak and of you. He has told me that we missing you and you are hurried to take your permission.

Since you are left, the life has changed without you, she is not the same. We are so sad that you don’t be with us. Therefore we know that it is very important to you to serve the country. Here, at home everybody is good , your dad and your brother are proud of you.
There are 2 months ago; we have fited (aménager est ce la bonne traduction?) out your room. We have also built a swimming, in order that your life will be better than the life on Irak. That’s why the life here will be like paradise.

The life is not the same without you; in 3 weeks we will celebrate your birthday without you that will be very hard. You must be known that we don’t be the only to support you, your brother, your friends, yours neighbours believe in you. I hope that you will come back quickly at home so that we will be together. My son, we encourage you in what you do we believe in you. We are very impatiently that you come back.

We love you, you miss you

Merci d'avance pour vos suggestions.
Modifié par bridg le 08-12-2009 22:30

Réponse: My son (correction) de gerondif, postée le 08-12-2009 à 23:01:59 (S | E)
en effet il y a du travail à faire sur les verbes et les temps.

There are (mauvais il y a)7 months that you left my son. I am writing this letter in order to know how you feel. How does(verbe être) your life there?
I have learnt that your unit is going back in( in = on y est to = on y va) the base camp on TV. In The last letter that I received from you, you said to me that the battle was very hard and you (prétérit de l'auxiliaire être manque)asking yourself if you hadn’t make(participe passé)a mistake.

Last week, I have(prétérit) a visit from your friend soldier, Paul Stewart. We argued (prétérit) about the life in Irak and about you. He told me (prétérit)(utilisez donc cette structure plus haut à la place de said me) that we missing you ( I miss you = tu me manques, je suis en manque de toi)and you are hurried ( you were in a hurry)to take your permission.(vérifier)
Since you are(aux avoir) left, life has changed without you, she(IT) is not the same. We are so sad that you don’t be (horreur !!)with us. Therefore (ne convient guère)we know that it is very important for you to serve the country. Here, at home everybody is good(je vais bien = I am fine) , your dad and your brother are proud of you.
There are (à supprimer)2 months ago,we have fited (préterit obligatoire après ago to decorate ?)(aménager est ce la bonne traduction?) out your room. We have also built a swimming-pool, so that your life will be better than the life in Irak. That’s why * life here will be like paradise.

*life is not the same without you; in 3 weeks we will celebrate your birthday without you, that will be very hard. You must be known (infinitif)that we don’t be (horreur!)the only ones to support you, your brother, your friends, yours neighbours believe in you. I hope that you will come back home quickly so that we will be together. My son, we encourage you in what you do, we believe in you. We are very impatiently(ramplacer l'adjectif par l'adverbe) that you come back.

We love you, you miss you

un micro cours sur in, at et to:

in: on est simplement dedans: I am in the garden.
at: on y est pour y faire quelque chose, j'appelle ça un complément d'activité:
I am at the cinema, at the butcher's
(sans the)I am at *school, at *home, at *work.
to: on y va, il y a un déplacement:
I am going to the cinema, to the supermarket,to the swimming-pool.
(sans the) I am going to school, to work, to town, to bed,to prison)
piège: I am going * * home (on ne met ni to ni the, )
I hope you will come back * home safe.

bonnes corrections.


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