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Message de graph-girl posté le 05-12-2009 à 14:47:03 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous
Pour lundi, je dois faire un exposé sur l'écologie .
J'ai donc décidé de faire un schéma sur une affiche, avec en première image le pétrole qui arrive dans les bateaux & en dernières les voitures polluant.
Cependant, pour mon texte j'ai un peu de mal . Je pense que certaines phrases ne sont pas formulées clairement, c'est pourquoi je vous demande de me le corriger

Good Morning All!
We’re going to explain you our project called “Stop Pollution, We’ll reap as we sow”.
We have chosen this title because it’s exactly what will happen if we don’t reduce pollution.

As you can see in the poster we made, the schema represents all the problems that could result if we continue to use all the time our car, instead of going by bus or by walk. For example, instead of going by car to go shopping, go by walk! Cars aren’t good for the planet.

First, petrol takes the boat to come. But sometimes, there can be accidents, like the sinking of Erika in 1999, with a heavy cargo of around 10,000 tons of fuel oil. It is considered one of the greatest environmental disasters in the world. But this is not the only consequence of this sinking; a big oil slick damaged all the shore and killed loads of gulls.
But when petrol arrives in destination, it must be refined and industries reject lots of main gases.
After that stage, consumers use the fuel oil created to put in their cars, and it’s tragic: cars reject lots of exhausts fumes, people who want to go for a walk with their children breathe it, after that they can have illnesses...

Government invented an ecological tax:
People who buy a SUV will pay more than people who want to buy a little car who reject a little of CO2. In about 2weeks, leaderships of all the countries of the world will meet in Copenhagen to have a conference about climate. For this, celebrities have created a free song called “Beds are burning”.

Si vous avez des idées pour que je puisse argumenter au maximum, n'hésitez pas
Merci d'avance <3


Réponse: L'écologie de seb06000, postée le 05-12-2009 à 14:58:36 (S | E)


déjà regardons la grammaire

Good Morning All!
We’re going to explain you our project called “Stop Pollution, We’ll reap as we sow”.
We have chosen this title because it’s exactly what will happen if we don’t reduce pollution.

As you can see in the poster we made, the schema( calque du français) represents all the problems that could result if we continue to use all the time (position de all the time, le COD est toujours accolé au verbe) our car, instead of going by bus or by walk. For example, instead of going by car to go shopping, go by walk! Cars aren’t good for the planet.

First, petrol takes the boat to come (mal dit). But sometimes, there can be accidents, like the sinking of Erika in 1999, with a heavy cargo of around 10,000 tons of fuel oil. It is considered ( il manque un adverbe) one of the greatest environmental disasters in the world. But this is not the only consequence of this sinking; a big oil slick damaged all the shore( all + pluriel si dénombrable) and killed loads of gulls.
But when petrol arrives in destination, it must be refined and industries reject lots of main gases.
After that stage, consumers use the fuel oil created to put in their cars, and it’s tragic : cars reject lots of exhausts (invariable) fumes, people who want to go for a walk with their children breathe it, after that they can have illnesses...

Government (il manque un déterminant) invented an ecological tax:
People who buy a SUV will pay more than people who want to buy a little car
who (erreur de relatif) reject (conjugaison) a little of CO2. In about 2weeks (in a fortnight), leaderships (voc) of all the countries of the world will meet in Copenhagen to have a conference about climate. For this, celebrities have created a free song called “Beds are burning”.

Voilà votre anglais semble très bon!



Modifié par seb06000 le 05-12-2009 15:00

Réponse: L'écologie de graph-girl, postée le 05-12-2009 à 17:39:08 (S | E)
Re-bonjour :D
Merci beaucoup *

Good Morning All!
We’re going to explain you our project called “Stop Pollution, We’ll reap as we sow”.
We have chosen this title because it’s exactly what will happen if we don’t reduce pollution.

As you can see in the poster we made, the diagram represents all the problems that could result if we continue to use our car all the time, instead of going by bus or by walk. For example, instead of going by car to go shopping, go by walk! Cars aren’t good for the planet.

First, petrol comes by boat. But sometimes, there can be accidents, like the sinking of Erika in 1999, with a heavy cargo of around 10,000 tons of fuel oil. It is considered like one of the greatest environmental disasters in the world. But this is not the only consequence of this sinking; a big oil slick damaged all the shores and killed loads of gulls.
But when petrol arrives in destination, it must be refined and industries reject lots of main gases.
After that stage, consumers use the fuel oil created to put in their cars, and it’s tragic for the environment : cars reject lots of exhaust fumes, people who want to go for a walk with their children breathe it, after that they can have illnesses...

The Government invented an ecological tax:
People who buy a SUV will pay more than people who want to buy a little car what rejects a little of CO2. In a fortnight, leaders of all the countries of the world will meet in Copenhagen to have a conference about climate. For this, celebrities have created a free song called “Beds are burning”.

Modifié par graph-girl le 05-12-2009 17:39

Réponse: L'écologie de seb06000, postée le 05-12-2009 à 17:43:36 (S | E)

- a little car what rejects ( non toujours pas le bon relatif)



Réponse: L'écologie de graph-girl, postée le 06-12-2009 à 10:53:42 (S | E)
a little car that rejects ?

Si c'est pas ça , j'ai plus d'idées ^^'

Réponse: L'écologie de seb06000, postée le 06-12-2009 à 11:11:22 (S | E)
The last but not the least

Vous pouvez utiliser 'that' ou 'which' ici!


Réponse: L'écologie de graph-girl, postée le 06-12-2009 à 11:25:22 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la traduction, vous êtes génial ! (l)
Avez vous une ou deux idées pour que je puisse argumenter encore plus mon exposé ?
Si non , ce n'est pas grave vous avez fait tellement :D

Merci encore !

Edit : Cette phrase est-elle correcte ?
So, instead of using your car all the time, walk, go by bike or take public transports! You can also use colza oil! It is ecologic and great for the environment.


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