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If I were a boy (correction)

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If I were a boy (correction)
Message de zawa posté le 09-09-2009 à 14:30:27 (S | E | F)

Hi !!
Could you correct this text and say me where are errors please ?? Thank you !!
(It's about "If I were A boy" by Beyonce

Boys and girls should have same feel and behave the same way.
In a couple nobody should suffer because the other one have lot of fun. I think that a woman like Beyonce in the clip should leave her boyfriend and go with her friends for have fun, or kill and cut him in small pieces.(Laughing Out Loud)
The clip could be sexist because she doesn't say "you'r are just THIS or THE boy". She says "you're just A boy". Maybe she thinks that all boys are like him but It's false.
Have a nice day!!! =)

Modifié par bridg le 09-09-2009 14:40

Modifié par zawa le 09-09-2009 16:16

Réponse: If I were a boy (correction) de laure95, postée le 09-09-2009 à 18:48:06 (S | E)
Bonsoir, voici ce que tu dois reprendre:
Boys and girls should have the same feel (cherche le nom correspondant car là, c'est le verbe) and behave the same way.
In a couple nobody should suffer because the other one have (3è personne du singulier!) a lot of fun. I think that a woman like Beyonce in the video clip should leave her boyfriend and go with her friends for (to) have fun, or kill and cut him in small pieces.(Laughing Out Loud)
The video clip could be sexist because she doesn't say "you'r are just THIS or THE ? boy". She says "you're just A boy". Maybe she thinks that all boys are like him but It's false.
Have a nice day!!! =)


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