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Aspiration and environment of sounds

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Aspiration and environment of sounds
Message de ndoucha posté le 09-08-2009 à 15:24:13 (S | E | F)

I have some questions in phonology and I wish someone could help me.
Well , I 've read something about the English allophones,and my question is about aspiration: What are the aspirated sounds?
I mean : are they just the voiceless stops ( p t k )?Can the voiced stops be aspirated ,too?or any other sounds?

My second question is about describing the environment of sounds:
If the instruction of the exercise is: "describe the environment of the aspirated and unaspirated sound in these words"
What will the answer be? or What is meant by the word "describe"?Is it like :what is the environment of....?
eg: if I have the word "coffee" aspiration in /k/ but how shall I describe the environment of /k/?
is it [ _ ofi]?or any other answer?

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-08-2009 15:42

Réponse: Aspiration and environment of sounds de inga, postée le 09-08-2009 à 16:33:02 (S | E)

Only voiceless stops /p,t,k/ are aspirated , there are different degrees of aspiration:
strong aspiration - when /p,t,k/ are initial in a stressed syllable
weak aspiration - when /p,t,k/ are initial in unstressed syllables
optional aspiration - when /p,t,k/ are in word final position
no aspiration - when /s/ precedes /p,t,k/ initially in a syllable or when /l,r,w,j/ follow /p,t,k/, when a plosive is followed by any fricative, if immediately followed by another plosive

When you have to describe the environment, you have to indicate the place in the syllable and if the syllable is stressed and the following and the preceding sound


Réponse: Aspiration and environment of sounds de TravisKidd, postée le 10-08-2009 à 02:19:00 (S | E)
It has been suggested that the true difference between the voiced and unvoiced consonants is not whether or not they are voiced, but whether or not they are aspirated.

I don't think I agree with this suggestion, but an interesting example was given: if you try to say "poison curls" without the aspirations, it sounds a lot like "boys an' girls".

Réponse: Aspiration and environment of sounds de ndoucha, postée le 11-08-2009 à 20:22:28 (S | E)
Hi, again
Thank you very much , it's clear for me now



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