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Correction d'un texte-anglais (1)

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Correction d'un texte-anglais
Message de binbon posté le 05-04-2009 à 15:00:54 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous,

J'aimerais savoir si cet email est bien rédigé :

Hi Jen!
Happy Birthday! You're 14, now!
I take the opportunity to congratulate you for your acceptance into these prestigious High Schools! My Mom has sent a email to your Dad.
Maybe you have read it.
So, did you already choose which High School you're going to? Anyway, I guess they're all great!
I still have one year in Junior High School because in France, we stay in that School for 4 years but only for 3 years in High School.
I'm in vacation right now, how about you?


J'espère trouver la réponse ici! Merci beaucoup!

Réponse: Correction d'un texte-anglais de brettdallen, postée le 05-04-2009 à 15:25:38 (S | E)
Je ne corrige que les fautes "lourdes".

Hi Jen!
Happy Birthday! You're 14, now!
I take(ou "am taking") the opportunity to congratulate you for your acceptance into these prestigious High Schools! My Mom has sent a("email" commence par un son voyelle) email to your Dad.
Maybe you have read it.
So, did you already choose(choix forme verbale à revoir) which High School you're going to? Anyway, I guess they're all great!
I still have one year in Junior High School because in France, we stay in that School for 4 years but only for 3 years in High School(deuxième partie de phrase à reconstruire, c'est un peu gauche...).
I'm in vacation right now, how about you?


Bon travail!

Réponse: Correction d'un texte-anglais de hugotachini, postée le 06-04-2009 à 06:39:39 (S | E)
Hi Jen!
Happy Birthday ! You're 14, now !
I'm taking that opportunity to congratulate you for your acceptance into these prestigious High Schools! My Mom has sent an email to your Dad.
Maybe you have read it.
So, did have you already choosen which High School you're going to you're entering ? Anyway, I guess they're all great !
It still remains me have one year in Junior High School because in France, we have 4 years to spend in Junior there stay in that School for 4 years but only for 3 years in High School.

I'm in on vacation right now, how about you?




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