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Cold case (correction) (1)

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Cold case (correction)
Message de zarbie79 posté le 03-11-2008 à 23:29:56 (S | E | F)

Salut, après avoir étudié différentes scènes d'un épisode de Cold case en classe, je devais écrire un texte sur ma scène préférée. Si quelqu'un pouvait me corriger les fautes d'orthographes des lignes suivantes je lui en serai très reconnaissant merci d'avance.

Texte :

My favourite scene in the episode is the scene number 4 because we begin to know the victim. It is so that we learn that Maurice's mother died of cancer in 1981 and that Maurice disappeared 23 years ago. It is this scene which begins to hand on the spectator because we begin to be interested in the history.
Futhermore, Maurice worked in the store with his brother and he has no friends and girlfriend : Maurice may have no plan for this future and, with the appearance of this element, the spectator can think that the murderer is the father. So, Maurice was moody and erratic and, before the death, he had arrived twice late at the school called Marshall hight. Finally, the Maurice's father didn't call the police after the dsappearance. This scene is my favourite because she informs about the psychology of Maurice and it takes the spectator on wrong tracks.

Merci à ceux qui auront pris le temps de lire
Modifié par bridg le 04-11-2008 06:42

Réponse: Cold case (correction) de zarbie79, postée le 04-11-2008 à 13:09:52 (S | E)
Merci mais tu es sur qu'il n'y a pas d'autres fautes ? car je ne vois aucune correction apporté à l'anglais et pourtant je suis persuadé d'avoir un anglais qui est loin d'être irréprochable...

Réponse: Cold case (correction) de azer3, postée le 04-11-2008 à 16:12:49 (S | E)
Bon jour
My favourite scene in the episode is the scene number 4, because, in this scene we begin to discover the victim.So we know that Maurice's mother died by a cancer in 1981 and we know also that Maurice disappeared 23 years ago.this scene begins to hand on the spectator because we become more interested by the history.

Furthermore, we know that Maurice workes in the store with his brother and that he has niether boyfriends nor girlfriend. Maurice may have no plan for the future, but, with the appearance of this element, the spectator can think that the murderer is the father. So, Maurice became moody and erratic.Before the death, he had arrived late twice at the school called Marshall hight. Finally, Maurice's father didn't call the police after the disappearance. This is my favourite scene because she informs about the psychological part of Maurice and it takes the spectator into wrong tracks.
Ca reste une approche par ce que j'ai n'pas arriver a bien comprendre ce que tu viens de dire surtout dans la deuxième partie,mais je tien a te dir de bien fair attention au fautes de structuration au choix des verbes et au fautes d'orthographe.Bonne continuation AZER3.

Réponse: Cold case (correction) de zarbie79, postée le 04-11-2008 à 18:43:42 (S | E)
merci bcp à toi

Réponse: Cold case (correction) de azer3, postée le 04-11-2008 à 18:49:15 (S | E)
welcome;any time any where



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