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Astronomer (correction) (1)

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Astronomer (correction)
Message de audrette02 posté le 02-11-2008 à 13:49:58 (S | E | F)

bonjour, j'ai du faire une synthèse en anglais d'un article en français et j'aimerais savoir si il n'y a pas trop de fautes de syntaxe et de dois le rendre la semaine alors si vous pouvez m'aider un peu !

The international team of astronomer have been able, thanks to telescopes more and more sophisticated, Hubble and Gemini South, discover a new galaxy, finally not so new because now it was considered like a “cluster of stars”.
The difference between a cluster and a galaxy is a cluster is create after the collapse of a huge cloud of gas even though a galaxy has aggregated stars and gas over time. This galaxy is located 17,000 light-years from Earth is closest to us.

Omega Centauri is a star perfectly visible to the naked eye, like a small blurred task bright in the constellation Centaurus. Seen through a telescope “the blurred star” reduced to in millions of stars tightly against each other: a cluster.
However, this cluster was considered like “abnormal”, in the sense that it was extraordinarily massive and brilliant.
The team led by Eva Noyola and Karl Gebhardt detected, in the heart of Omega Centauri, the presence of a giant black hole. The huge mass of "cluster", the presence in this center of this black hole, has enabled scientists to understand the true nature of Omega Centauri: it’s in fact a dwarf galaxy.

First, Omega Centauri is highly flattened and turns more quickly than other known clusters. But its stars are of different ages. Still, by measuring the movement of stars near the center, they realized that them were moving faster than expected. In the case it means that this body is massive. These speeds can be easily explained if it existed at the center of the cluster a black hole. And that is what is happening! This confirms a black hole.

These scientists have proved the presence of this black hole, 40,000 times the mass of the Sun, but there is only two categories: supermassive and stellar. That of omega is between the two, it is an intermediate-mass black hole.

Therefore, it can be assumed that it would be at the origin of giant black holes: Omega Centauri would be the remains of a dwarf galaxy that was captured by the Milky Way and largely clear up of its subject and a part of its population of stars.
Galaxies experiencing "neighboring" can exchange of matter. In this case, the Milky Way, which is probably returned collided with omega, about ten times.
Each passage, Omega Centauri lost star was farthest from the center, those who were no longer protected by interactions gravitionnelles. Because of that their numbers would be increased from 10 to 2.5 million stars.

To summarize, the discovery of Omega Centauri is an opportunity for astronomers because they can compare the chemical composition, characteristics and evolution of stars compared to those of the Milky Way. It would have a better understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies. It's this kind of galaxies that could, by merger, giving the supermassive black holes of large galaxies.

Modifié par bridg le 02-11-2008 14:06
titre distinctif

Réponse: Astronomer (correction) de wysiwyg, postée le 02-11-2008 à 21:00:02 (S | E)
just a few tips for the first part:
1- of astronomers
2- more and more sophisticated telescopes
3- discover, though, finally, is now considered to be a...
4- ...a cluster is created of gas whereas ( alors que) a galaxy
6- a small bright blur



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