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letter of apology (correction) (1)

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letter of apology (correction)
Message de slainte posté le 28-04-2008 à 16:18:56

Homework about a letter of apology.

A friend and I had planned to stay with an English friend at their home for a week in June. Because of a last -minute problem, I can't go.
The exercice is to write a letter to my friend.-Explain why you can't come to.
- Apologize. (write from 120 to 160 words)

Any mistakes? Let me know, please

Dear Niall,
View I am not able to reach you by phone. I thought the best way to send you this unexpected information, will be a letter flavoured through a regard of disappointment.
Due we had arranged to stay with an English friend at their cottage in Corsica. I am going to remind that I have applied for a position of diver at Trinidad and Tobago. A week ago, this compagny called me for an interview. Meanwhile I have to cancel our meeting in corsica. All my apologies about that, in spite of it was very important for each of us. As you were knowing this opportunity is a dream which I may enable to acquire my dream. I do hope my blunder will not affect our relationship. Sincerely Slainte
Modifié par bridg le 28-04-2008 16:24
Forum principal

Modifié par bridg le 05-05-2008 19:22

Réponse: letter of apology (correction) de sitelle, postée le 28-04-2008 à 17:12:56
Dear Niall,
View(calque, pas anglais...(since) I am not able to reach you by phone. I thought the best way to send you this unexpected information, will be a letter flavoured through a regard of disappointment.
Due we had arranged to stay with an English friend at their cottage in Corsica. I am going to remind that I have applied for a position of diver at Trinidad and Tobago. A week ago, this compagny called me for an interview. Meanwhile I have to cancel our meeting in corsica. All my apologies about that, in spite of it was very important for each of us. As you were knowing this opportunity is a dream which I may enable to acquire my dream. I do hope my blunder will not affect our relationship. Sincerely Slainte

Beaucoup de fautes encore... il faut recommencer, mais ne pas penser en français...

Réponse: letter of apology (correction) de slainte, postée le 28-04-2008 à 21:18:22
Answering to Sitelle hello, and thank you

This is a new version of my exercice.

The fact, I am not able to reach you by phone. I thought the best way to send you this unexpected information, will be a letter providing a touch of disappointment.
As promised, we had arranged to stay with an English friend at his cottage in Corsica. I am going to remind you that I have applied for a position of diver at Trinidad and Tobago. A week ago, the compagny rang me about an interview. Meanwhile I have to cancel our meeting in Corsica. All my apologies about that , in spite of it was very important for each of us. As you know, this is a dream of which the opportunity may build my goal. I do hope my blunder will not affect our relationship. Sincerely Slainte

Réponse: letter of apology (correction) de sitelle, postée le 29-04-2008 à 08:13:27
The fact Since I am not able to reach you by phone. I thought the best way to send you this unexpected information, will be a letter providing a touch of disappointment.
As promised, we had arranged to stay with an English friend at his cottage in Corsica. I am going wish to remind you that I have applied for a position of diver at Trinidad and Tobago. A week ago, the compagny rang me about an interview. Meanwhile I have to cancel our meeting in Corsica. All my apologies about that , in spite of it was very important for each of us. As you know, this is a dream of which the opportunity may build my goal. I do hope my blunder will not affect our relationship. Sincerely Slainte

Bien mieux, cette fois!

Réponse: letter of apology (correction) de slainte, postée le 30-04-2008 à 00:04:28
-At the last correction, I had written down at the beginning of the letter The Fact. In next, you corrected me by Since. I don't understand, why you are annoyed that I have written The fact.
About myself, both the fact and Since make sense.
There is a difference from each of them.
My opinion since means from a date which either complete or uncompleted.
The fact is a reality of the story. Both of them don't mean the same signification but are able to make a sense.
In conclusion, The fact is as good as Since.

About my second mistake, I am completely agree with , I don't know what have done. Then, I would write instead " I am going to remind you "

i would like to say you, thank you so much to get an interest about my exercice

Réponse: letter of apology (correction) de sitelle, postée le 30-04-2008 à 08:27:24
On emploie 'the fact' dans une tournure telle que : "the fact is that+une proposition complète: par ex. 'the fact is that I don't understand why you use this phrase'. C'est plus explicite comme ça?

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