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Jim Carrey (correction) (1)

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Jim Carrey (correction)
Message de manon8217 posté le 25-04-2008 à 04:04:37 (S | E | F)

Je suis à mes premiers balbutiements en anglais, et j'ai écrit un résumé sur Jim Carrey. Pouvez-vous vérifier ce que ça dit ?

Jim Carrey was born in NewMarket, Ontario on Janurary 17, 1962. When he was a young teenager, his teachers excaperated. He didn't listen his. He liked to laught at school but it was very different at his home. It was very tough. His father lost his job and he was unable to pay our house. All family moved to Scaborough, Ontario and he worked in a factory. For one year, Jim worked and studied but when he was in Grade 9, he went to work all time. At fifteen years old, he worked at Toronto comedy club. After a few years, he wrote $20 millions on a cheque for himself. He dreamt to do fortune. It wasn't easy for him in the USA. He rejected all the place he went. However, he created a serie. In 1994, he received $175 000 for his role in Ace Ventura and Pet Detective. With the film The Mask and Dumb and Dumber, he became a superstar. Today, Jim Carrey until win $20 millions for a one film !

Modifié par bridg le 25-04-2008 06:55

Réponse: Jim Carrey (correction) de gee, postée le 25-04-2008 à 08:37:26 (S | E)
Vous êtes à vos premiers balbutiements en anglais,... (...) Voici ce que ça me dit :

Jim Carrey was born in NewMarket, Ontario on Janurary 17, 1962.
When he was a young teenager,(you could simply say: as a teenager)
his teachers excaperated.(never heard that word)
He didn't listen his.(one listens to s.o.) (his, adj. possessif "son" en français)
He liked to laught (to laugh) at school but it was very different at his home. (at home, à la maison) It was very tough. His father lost his job and he was unable to pay our house. (notre maison? qui parle?)
All family (je dirais the whole family) moved to Scaborough, Ontario and he worked in a factory. (je dirais, He started working, ou, he got working)
For one year, Jim worked and studied but when he was in Grade 9, he went to work all time.(all the time)
At fifteen (years old), he worked at Toronto comedy club. After a few years, he wrote $20 millions ($20 million without an s at the end) on a cheque for himself.(to write a cheque/ ce ne me semble pas très clair tout çà). He dreamt to do fortune.(to make fortune)
It wasn't easy for him in the USA. He rejected all the place he went. (all the places? I suppose you mean that he declined all the offered jobs.)
However, he created a serie.(series)
In 1994, he received $175,000 for his role in Ace Ventura and Pet Detective. With the film The Mask and Dumb and Dumber, he became a superstar. Today, Jim Carrey until win $20 millions for a one film !(he is paid up to $20 million...; or he earns up to...)(to win, c'est gagner au jeu, au combat, être gagnant. Gagner dans le sens être payer pour le travail, c'est to earn. One earns one's living, on gagne sa vie. To earn one's daily bread, gagner son pain quotidien.)

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