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Aide pour un texte ! (1)

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Aide pour un texte !
Message de doggie posté le 26-03-2008 à 21:06:59 (S | E | F)


Y a-t-il des erreurs dans ce texte ?

I never forgot what happened one day in summer. I was at the Pyrénés with my family two days ago. We had decided to go to the Mont Perdu, one of the highest summit of the Pyrénés. I went to it with my father and my brothers. My mother wanted to stay at the chalet.

We had to get up early at five o’clock because we must arrive at the bottom of the Mont Perdu when the sun start rising. We mustn’t arrive when the night fall down because we couldn’t see where we go! It was a cold morning! After walking one hour and half, I asked my father if we could have a break. I was tired. It was steep! I carried a heavy backpack. My shoes were heavy too. Furthermore, we brought ice-axes as well as ropes.

More we climbed, more I felt giddy. Half way up to the top, we stopped to have lunch. Suddenly, we were caught in a s storm. I was afraid because storms are very dangerous and noisy in mountains. We had to find a shelter rapidly. My father told us to throw away our ice-axes because they could attract lightings. We could hear a lot of claps of thunder. The sky was overcast. I was shivering with cold. Luckily, we saw a hut so we ran to it. We waited the storm subsided.

One hour later, we could go on but my father wanted to go back because he thought mum was worrying about us. When we left our shelter, we saw a rainbow. What a strange hill-walking!

Trouvez-vous ce texte bien ?

Merci bien !

Modifié par doggie le 26-03-2008 21:14

Modifié par doggie le 26-03-2008 21:22

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-03-2008 21:43

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-03-2008 21:41

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de doggie, postée le 26-03-2008 à 21:20:34 (S | E)
Aidez-moi !
S'il vous plaît !

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de doggie, postée le 26-03-2008 à 21:29:29 (S | E)
Aidez-moi !

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de lucile83, postée le 26-03-2008 à 21:34:37 (S | E)
I never forgot what happened one day in summer. I was at the Pyrénés with my family two days ago. We had decided to go to the Mont Perdu, one of the highest summit of the Pyrénés. I went to it with my father and my brothers. My mother wanted to stay at the chalet.

We had to get up early at five o’clock because we must arrive at the bottom of the Mont Perdu when the sun start rising. We mustn’t arrive when the night fall down because we couldn’t see where we go! It was a cold morning! After walking.... one hour and.... half, I asked my father if we could have a break. I was tired. It was steep! I carried a heavy backpack. My shoes were heavy too. Furthermore, we brought ice-axes as well as ropes.

More we climbed, more I felt giddy. Half way up to the top, we stopped to have lunch. Suddenly, we were caught in a s storm. I was afraid because storms are very dangerous and noisy in mountains. We had to find a shelter rapidly. My father told us to throw away our ice-axes because they could attract lightings. We could hear a lot of claps of thunder. The sky was overcast. I was shivering with cold. Luckily, we saw a hut so we ran to it. We waited... the storm subsided.

One hour later, we could go on but my father wanted to go back because he thought mum was worrying about us. When we left our shelter, we saw a rainbow. What a strange hill-walking!

Quite good !! please correct and post again
See you

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de hughy, postée le 26-03-2008 à 21:49:44 (S | E)
and "we mustn't arrive" is not correct.
Not too bad actually.
Modifié par lucile83 le 26-03-2008 21:53
You're right but not all the mistakes together

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de doggie, postée le 26-03-2008 à 21:53:58 (S | E)
Please, I don't undersant my errors ! Can you help me !

Modifié par doggie le 26-03-2008 21:54

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de lucile83, postée le 26-03-2008 à 21:57:18 (S | E)
Quand vous voyez ceci : il y a une faute; à vous de corriger.Nous ne ferons pas le travail à votre place

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de doggie, postée le 26-03-2008 à 21:58:17 (S | E)
Is it :
I never forgot what happened one day in summer. I was IN the PYRENES with my family two days ago. We had decided to go to the Mont Perdu, one of the highest summit of the PYRENES. I went to it with my father and my brothers. My mother wanted to stay at the chalet.

We had to get up early at five o’clock because we must arrive at the bottom of the Mont Perdu when the sun start rising. We mustn’t arrive when the night fEll down because we couldn’t see where we go! It was a cold morning! After walking.... one hour and.... half, I asked my father if we could have a break. I was tired. It was steep! I carried a heavy backpack. My shoes were heavy too. Furthermore, we brought ice-axes as well as ropes.

More we climbed, more I felt giddy. Half way up to the top, we stopped to have lunch. Suddenly, we were caught in a s storm. I was afraid because storms are very dangerous and noisy in mountains. We had to find a shelter rapidly. My father told us to throw away our ice-axes because they could attract lightings. We could hear a lot of claps of thunder. The sky was overcast. I was shivering with cold. Luckily, we saw a hut so we ran to it. We waited... the storm subsid.

One hour later, we could go on but my father wanted to go back because he thought mum was worrying about us. When we left our shelter, we saw a rainbow. What a strange hill-walking!

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de doggie, postée le 26-03-2008 à 21:59:37 (S | E)
Pourquoi Must et mustn't ne sont pas Bons ?

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de lucile83, postée le 26-03-2008 à 22:07:54 (S | E)
I never forgot what happened one day in summer. I was IN the PYRENES with my family two days ago. We had decided to go to the Mont Perdu, one of the highest summit of the PYRENES. I went to it with my father and my brothers. My mother wanted to stay at the chalet.

We had to get up early at five o’clock because we must arrive at the bottom of the Mont Perdu when the sun start rising. We mustn’t arrive when the night fell down because we couldn’t see where we go! It was a cold morning! After walking.... one hour and.... half, I asked my father if we could have a break. I was tired. It was steep! I carried a heavy backpack. My shoes were heavy too. Furthermore, we brought ice-axes as well as ropes.

More we climbed, more I felt giddy. Half way up to the top, we stopped to have lunch. Suddenly, we were caught in a storm. I was afraid because storms are very dangerous and noisy in mountains. We had to find a shelter rapidly. My father told us to throw away our ice-axes because they could attract lightings. We could hear a lot of claps of thunder. The sky was overcast. I was shivering with cold. Luckily, we saw a hut so we ran to it. We waited... the storm.... subside.

One hour later, we could go on but my father wanted to go back because he thought mum was worrying about us. When we left our shelter, we saw a rainbow. What a strange hill-walking!

Must a le sens d'obligation mais ici il vaut mieux employer le sens de 'je ferais mieux'...

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de violet91, postée le 26-03-2008 à 22:16:50 (S | E)

Sans piaffer ,on va y arriver!

Personne ne vous ordonne de grimper .donc:modal de l'obligation : to have to. ou incapacité :can,could,couldn't.---The Pyrenees--A hut (tarzan): a shed.;--comparat redoublé" plus je ;plus je ..en Anglais : le plus...le plus..---preter;start-----waited for the storm to(prop.infinitive)---In the chalet (plutôt)---To get there--I fell---"an" plutôt que one hour and a half---on climb up ,en général.--pas confondre top avec bottom : c'est utile---I felt tired----steep+terminaison adj.---

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de violet91, postée le 27-03-2008 à 21:05:57 (S | E)

Nous t'aidons : tu refais les mêmes fautes Pyrenees-quant au top ou au bottom,ce n'était pas clair..) + un message interne inacceptable! Tu vérifieras,toi, le sens du mot "outrecuidance" ,"courtoisie" , et le genre du mot "mots" ..pour l'accorder avec corrects .

Réponse: Aide pour un texte ! de lucile83, postée le 27-03-2008 à 21:39:13 (S | E)
Bonjour doggie,
Des membres du site passent du temps à vous aider,à vous expliquer certaines choses, et pour toute réponse un professeur reçoit un message lui disant en gros de revoir son vocabulaire et que c'est vous qui aviez écrit les 'mots correctes' cite !
Nous attendions votre correction supplémentaire mais en vain je crois.
Malgré la bonne impression que j'avais à votre égard je prends la décision de fermer ce topic.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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