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Need of help please (1)

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Need of help please
Message de jenny62 posté le 19-01-2008 à 23:23:56 (S | E | F)

Hello everybody!
I must do an exercise on an advertisement. If somebody can help me for correct.
Thank you in advance.
For this I choose an advert of coca cola.

=>The advert present the brand Coca-Cola and her new product, the Fridge Pack.
It's the red pack on the white background who attract our (me and a friend) attention.

We can see a picturing.
In the foreground, there are two penguins who push a fridge pack. Then, an extraterrestrial clothed like a works foreman control the ripe of product.

In the top of the picturing, there is three kind of dogs with large mouth who lick the ice.

In the background, we can see houses buries under the snow. The action takes place probably in the North Pole, what calls back the freshness of the refrigerator.

In the ice is sculptured the catch-phrase : convenient chilled. It means that the size of the fridge pack is practical to store in the refrigerator and allows to have drinks always fresh.

The logo is situated below to the left, it is a rec bottle of coca-cola. The slogan is : "the Coke side of life".

Next, a little paragraph describes the product. It's about Fridge Pack is made for our Fridge and we get great chilled Coke every time.

To conclude, they use the humour by means of the funnies characters disgraces previously.

This advert aims persons of any age.

We had choose this advert because the characters are amusing and that Coca-cola is a brand world-famous.

It's clear and attractive because there are pictures and of the text. To finish, it's convincing, we want to buy it because it is more practical than of cans who are higgledy-piggledy in the fridge.
Tank you for your help
Modifié par bridg le 19-01-2008 23:42
Il est demandé aux membres qui auront la gentillesse de répondre de signaler les fautes, d'aider le demandeur à se corriger mais de ne jamais faire le travail à sa place. Cette règle est incontournable sur ce site d'apprentissage. Merci de votre participation.

Réponse: Need of help please de autumnleaf, postée le 20-01-2008 à 00:03:56 (S | E)
Voila voila, j'ai finis
Je suis anglaise et je essaie d'apprendre francais. Jai vient de trouver cette forum, et jai vu ton sujet, et jai pense que je peux t'aider. J'espair qu'un jour tu peux m'aider avec francais ;-)

The advert presents the brand Coca-Cola and its new product, the Fridge Pack.
It's the red pack with the white background that attracted our (a friend's and my) attention.

We can see a picture.
In the foreground, there are two penguins who are pushing a fridge pack. Then, an extraterrestrial, clothed like a foreman, ripens the product.

At the top of the picture, there are three kinds of dogs with large mouths, which are licking the ice.

In the background, we can see houses buried under the snow. The action takes place probably in the North Pole; this reminds us of the freshness of the refrigerator.

In the ice is sculptured the catch-phrase: 'conveniently chilled'. Meaning that the size of the fridge pack is practical to store in the refrigerator and allows people to always have fresh drinks.

The logo is situated below to the left, it is a red bottle of coca-cola. The slogan is: 'the Coke side of life'.

Next, a little paragraph describes the product. It's saying that the Fridge Pack is made for our fridge and we get great chilled Coke every time.

To conclude, they use humour by means of the funny characters described previously.

This advert is aimed at persons of any age.

We had chosen this advert because the characters are amusing and because Coca-cola is a world-famous brand.

It's clear and attractive because of the pictures and text. Finally, it's convincing, we want to buy it because it is more practical than using cans that lay higgledy-piggledy in the fridge.

Réponse: Need of help please de jenny62, postée le 20-01-2008 à 10:55:08 (S | E)
Thank you very much autumnleaf !

IF you want we can help each other. I sent you a private message anyway. I wait for an answer.

See you soon.



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