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Oral de bac LVR (1)

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Oral de bac LVR
Message de lizie posté le 05-12-2007 à 16:04:37 (S | E | F | I)


Pourriez-vous me dire si mon commentaire que je vais présenter à l'oral est bien??

Merci d'avance

The song we are invited to study entitled family portrait is a song by pink.
It deals with a father who leaves his family.
It can be divided into 8 stanzas.
The first paragraph can be entitled « the house of pain »;
The second paragraph «  for love against money »
And the chorus «  promises ».
Besides, the 3 paragraph can be entitled «  I need you »;
The 4 paragraph « love destroye ».
Furthermore, the 5 can be entitled « just a portrait »; 
The six paragraph « dont lorry look happy! »;
The seven «  a shining star »,
And the 8 « good resolutions ».

In this music Pink represents a little girl who begs her mum to stop crying.
She can’t stand the sound of her mother crying.
She uses an hyperbol; indeed, her pain is amplified. It’s as if she were her mother she feels her pain.
She tries to convince her father not to leave because the parents are haing a row.
They dont get on well together.
They’re at daggers drawn.
They’re crossing ords.
A crisis in bed; may be she doesn’t want to see her parents having a conflict.
It’s night, she can’t sleep because of the noise.
The noise prevents her From sleeping.

Besides; she implores them to stop fighting.
Life at home isn’t like a shetter.
A shetter protects you from the others; but here it’s the place of a new world war has broken out.
She has lost her bearings.
« I don’t want love to destroy me like it has done»
Normally love doesn’t destroy but makes people happy.
If they separate, they will have to share their money and the custody of the children.
She accuses her father of wanting to destroy her family.
She says that the life at home is a World War II.
There are always, broken glasses.
Home should be a safe place but it looks like a batllefield.
Life isn’t a be of roses; but of nails.

In the chorus, she wants her whole family to get through all these moments.
She doesn’t want love to destroy her family and herself.
She will be better and here for her mother.
She will be better if they remain a family.

Furthermore, she can’t stand the sound of her father yelling (like in the fit stanza).
Her mum bues him even if she hurts him.
She says nasty remarks because she’s sad or nervous but her sentences are not true. « you get on my nerves »
She asks her father to help her mother because she needs her family.

She wants to have a better life.
She wants to escape from the house and she’s square about her future.
She doesn’t want to come back to the house, but she has to.

Moreover, she wants fer family to play a game, to do as if they were a good family.
It’s just a family portrait.
The other side is more sad.
She wants to return in time; before her family look happy.
It isn’t reality but just a lie.
She doesn’t want to change her life.

She implores her father to stay at home.
If he doesn’t leave, she will change.
She can’t leave withoot him.
Maybe he leaves because of her.
She felt safe when he was there.
Her only vis is to be his little girl forever.
She wishes she were.
She wants him to remember the good moments so that he doesn’t leave.
« you took my shining star »
He took the fire in her heart and her hopes are broken.

And in the last stanza, she will be better.

As a conclusion, At first sight, we can think that "family portrait" is a painting; a TV reality show; or a photo with a perfect family.
This title can sucites different thought.
Besides, I can understand what the little girl feels because I have already seen my mother crying and it is very hard.
Furthermore, In my circle of acquaintances this situation I spreads little by little.
It is the situation which can arrive at whoever.
We’re in the girl’s shoes personal but universal.
She undergoes the consequences their quarrels.
It makes me think of the Fate which is a part of the Sadness of the life.

Réponse: Oral de bac LVR de lizie, postée le 05-12-2007 à 21:33:27 (S | E)



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