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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


in or on?
Message de rapenzul posté le 23-06-2007 à 17:28:44 (S | E | F | I)

Hi users.
"I hope you remember the first time we met,on the beach..."
"Your dress is in the wardrobe"
Could you please look at these two sentences and tell me if they are correct?
Sometimes I feel lost. My problem is that I can make the difference between in and on, I can use them correctly, but I can't explain my choice. It's like a feeling because I know the meaning of both. I would like to have some help to justify my choices.
Modifié par mp27 le 23-06-2007 19:19

Réponse: in or on? de vectra, postée le 23-06-2007 à 18:15:22 (S | E)
I'm sorry but I can't help you because I have the same problem.
Modifié par mp27 le 23-06-2007 19:24
J'espère que le post ci-dessous t'aidera à différencier in et on et t'encouragera à établir tes propres listes d'exemples. Bon courage!

Réponse: in or on? de mp27, postée le 23-06-2007 à 19:13:04 (S | E)
Hello rapenzul!
- we met on the beach --> correct
- your dress is in the wardrobe --> correct

--> Voici une liste (incomplète) pour commencer.
--> Va voir les cours et exercices du site
--> Au fur et à mesure de tes lectures, ajoute d'autres exemples sur tes listes

-in 1994, in July, in the summer, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening
-on Tuesday, on Tuesday evening, on Monday afternoon, on Fridays (le vendredi), on the 14th July 1789
-on holiday, on Christmas day

-in Canada, in France, in the US
-in the Alps, in Normandy, in Norfolk
-in London, in Paris
-in Bashley, in a village
-in the mountains, in the countryside, in the forest
-on the beach, on a farm, on a horse
-in the sky, in the rain, in the wind, in the sun

-on the ground floor, on the ladder
-in the attic, in the garage
-in prison, in hospital,
-lying in bed, sitting on the bed
-in a caravan, in a tent
-on a shelf in the cupboard
-in the picture on the wall

-I'm on my way to school

Réponse: in or on? de rapenzul, postée le 23-06-2007 à 20:31:50 (S | E)
thank you mp27.
I know that. All I want is to be able to justify my choices. You will help me more if you can justify the yours.
PS for vactra:I hope that you'll solve your problems with the explications explanations given by mp27.
Modifié par mp27 le 23-06-2007 22:28

Réponse: in or on? de mp27, postée le 23-06-2007 à 22:22:14 (S | E)
Hello rapenzul!

You said you already knew the differences between in & on and could use them correctly. If you have no problem, you shouldn't get too worried about some magic rules to justify your good choices.

As far as I am concerned, you must:
1/ know a few basic principles (according to your introduction, you seem to know them already!)

2/ have lots of good examples at your disposal, so, good idea to classify them, group them (easy to memorize that way).

3/ learn them, use them, bearing in mind there is no need to justify them each time, if you already know they are correct!

Basic principles: (I didn't mention them in my previous post, sorry!)
The basic principles I apply are:

---> in ---> is usually used for “3 dimensional spaces”
spaces like boxes, rooms, towns, regions, countries, continents

---> on ---> is used for “2 dimensional surfaces”.
-on the floor, in the kitchen
-on a shelf, in the cupboard.....
-Eat what's “on” your plate (NEVER eat what's “in“ your plate!...)

If it's not a "typical" question of space and surface, or if a case is a bit awkward:
just learn it as it is, according to dictionary, grammar book, every day usage.

If you don't like the idea of classifying and making lists:
it's up to you to find your own way to deal with your memory and the increase of your vocabulary.

Know some rules, without being obssessed by them, and know lots of good examples.

Wishing you all the very best!

Réponse: in or on? de rapenzul, postée le 24-06-2007 à 18:28:42 (S | E)
Hi mp27.
Thanks for all advices you gave me.
Now I feel more reassured.
I will continue to use them by feeling and will remember your sweet examples.
Have a nice day and thanks again
Your a hero



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