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The trip in London (correction)
Message de fashion_azn posté le 23-04-2007 à 17:13:14 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour, pouvez vous me corriger mes erreurs svps'il vous plaît? Merci

The trip in London was very good and interesting. The weather was great but the first two days it was cold. So, when we are in London, we visited a lot of museums, the BBC, the Hampton Court, and we have seen the comedy musical of Billy Elliot.
My favourite moment was the show of Billy Elliot, it was very great, and I was impressed because it was the first time that I have seen a show like this. I like when the characters do
Tap-dancing, I was bluff and I also like when they sang.
And when we have free time, I was going to Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Street, it was fun.
But it was also interesting, to talk in English with the family of reception.
But the worst thing there, it was the food, I really don’t like there food, but it was good to taste an other foods.

Modifié par bridg le 23-04-2007 17:16

Réponse: The trip in London (correction) de canadiankaty, postée le 26-04-2007 à 08:00:37 (S | E)
The trip to London was very interesting. The weather was great, but a bit cold the first two days. So, when we are in London, we visited a lot of museums, the BBC, the Hampton Court, and we saw the comedy musical of Billy Elliot.
My favourite moment was the Billy Elliot show. It was great, and I was impressed, because it was the first time I had ever seen a show like that. I liked when the characters tap-danced. I also liked it when they sang. (bluff? What do you mean by bluff?)
And when we had free time, we would go to Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Street, and that was fun.
But it was also interesting, to talk in English with the host family.
But the worst thing there was the food - I really didn’t like their food, but it was good to try British food anyway.

Caution - Attention de ne pas utiliser trop de mots banals - ex. - good, interesting, great, liked



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