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My hometown/correction

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My hometown/correction
Message de li17 posté le 21-10-2020 à 01:35:43 (S | E | F)
My name is Li17. I am a new member here. Please help check my paragraph.
Thank you in advance.

My hometown is a small town in the north of Thailand. It’s beautiful and have green tree specially have many mountains such as Phnom Touch, Phnom Thom, Phnom Banteay Srey, Phnom Khla Kon and so on. It is always very hot there, usually the temperature is around 30 degrees centigrade most of the year, but in the winter it goes down to about 24 or 25 degrees. The summer is always very hot.
And in the summer it rains a lot. Wow, we get a lot of rain! From around May until September it rains so much. But the rain only falls very quickly. It kind of cools you down a little and then it feels hot again.
My hometown is Banteay Meanchey in Cambodia. We have two very distinct seasons but the raining is the best season in my opinion. The raining is cold; the temperatures drop to 17 degrees on some days.
There’s a market near of my hometown. It’s kind of mess but me and my family go there because it’s the only place for us to go on holiday and easy for us.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-10-2020 08:26

Réponse : My hometown/correction de laure95, postée le 21-10-2020 à 10:14:06 (S | E)
Welcome in the club!

It’s beautiful and have (faute de conjugaison) green tree (pluriel) specially (orthographe) have (faute de conjugaison)many mountains
- usually (pas à la bonne place) the temperature is around 30 degrees
- but in the (pas de the)winter
- The (pas de the)summer is always very hot.
- And in the summer
- It kind of cools you down: ?
- the (pas de the)raining is the best season in my opinion.
- The raining is cold;
- the temperatures drop to 17 degrees on (pas de on)some days.
- There’s a market near of (pas de of) my hometown.
- It’s (article)kind of mess but me (pas le bon pronom) and my family go there


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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