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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de roy10 posté le 20-04-2020 à 16:00:28 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
J'espère que vous allez tous très bien. Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à corriger d'éventuelles erreurs commises dans mon devoir et m'aider surtout à repérer des points grammaticaux ou de conjugaison à revoir impérativement? ça serait très gentil 😁.
Merci d'avance à ceux qui prendront le temps de répondre !

I think the events related in this story are true : indeed the main character is “Albert Einstein” , a famous physician who lived in the 20th century and his chauffeur. Moreover, the story is about a lecture about the relativity and Einstein studied a lot about that.
In my opinion, it seems very plausible that Einstein was a little bit angry and ask his chauffeur to deliver a speech instead of him. I heard that he was very audacious and didn’t hesitate to do some crazy things. However, I think the author exaggerates a little bit the fact that the chauffeur has delivered the whole speech because the subject is very complicated and we can’t learn by heart everything without understanding.

The events of the second story are not true. I think it is rather a fictional story inspired by real facts.
As far as I am concerned, I think it is impossible to penetrate to the Buckingham Palace with this facility. The place where lived Queen Elizabeth is protected by numerous guards. Then, it is also weird that no one had answered when The Queen called the security. But, I think maybe the Queen has met someone like this man with a sad story in her life.

True story :
A child called Nicolas was coming back home with his mother after shopping. This boy loved football. He lived in Madrid so he was a huge fan of Real Madrid Football club. He was a huge fan of Cristiano Ronaldo. During the travel, he saw a homeless with a ball. He was tall, with a large beard and mustache and he was wearing a Nike grey sweat. The man sent the ball with his foot towards Nicolas. Then, both started playing football. The man was rather a good football player, Nicolas was impressed by his skills. 10 minutes later, before Nicolas was going back with his mother, the man removed his beard and mustache and his wig : it was Cristiano Ronaldo ! He signed the ball and gave it to Nicolas then he left. It was the most beautiful day of Nicolas’s life.

Fictional story :
Roddy opened his eyes. He had the feeling that something had changed. First of all, he was not in his bedroom. The place where he was looked like a museum : there was painting on the wall. He didn't pay attention directly but some people were joking at him. Few seconds later, he understood he was in a box, a transparent box like the one where he was in his music clip "The Box". He yelled : " Help me ! Please ! Help me !!!"
Roddy Ritch woke up suddenly : "Oh my god ! It was just a nightmare !"

Réponse : Aide/devoir de gerondif, postée le 20-04-2020 à 16:17:48 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I think the events related in this story are true : indeed the main character is “Albert Einstein” , a famous physician who lived in the 20th century and his chauffeur. Moreover, the story is about a lecture about the relativity and Einstein studied a lot about that(maladroit, a étudié beaucoup à ce sujet).
In my opinion, it seems very plausible that Einstein was a little bit angry and asked his chauffeur to deliver a speech instead of him.(maladroit, au lieu de lui même en français ne va pas, traduisez à sa place) I heard that he was very audacious and didn’t hesitate to do some crazy things. However, I think the author exaggerates a little bit the fact that the chauffeur has delivered the whole speech because the subject is very complicated and (nous ne sommes pas concernés, ce we tombe un peu un plat, dites plutôt nobody can...)we can’t learn by heart everything without understanding.

The events of the second story are not true. I think it is rather a fictional story inspired by real facts.
As far as I am concerned, I think it is impossible to penetrate to the(into BP)) Buckingham Palace with this facility.(signifie avec cet équipement ! Utilsez that easily, en accentuant that.) The place where lived Queen Elizabeth(inversez) is protected by numerous guards. Then, it is also weird that no one had answered when The Queen called the security. But, I think maybe the Queen has met someone like this man with a sad story in her life. (Un jour, un homme a réussi à pénétrer jusque dans sa chambre et a discuté avec elle sans agressivité, les journaux l'avaient relaté)

True story :
A child called Nicolas was coming back home with his mother after shopping. This boy loved football. He lived in Madrid so he was a huge fan of Real Madrid Football club. He was a huge fan of Cristiano Ronaldo. During the travel(on a l'impression qu'il fait une excursion en bus, dites plutôt on his way back ou or their way back), he saw a homeless(manque un nom, the homeless nominalisé est collectif) with a ball. He was tall, with a large beard and mustache and he was wearing a Nike grey sweat(l'anglais n'abrège pas ses mots composés, là il portait une sueur !). The man sent the ball with his foot towards Nicolas. Then, both started playing football. The man was rather a good football player (a rather good football player), Nicolas was impressed by his skills. 10 minutes later, before as Nicolas was going back with to his mother, the man removed his beard and mustache and his wig : it was Cristiano Ronaldo ! He signed the ball and gave it to Nicolas then he left. It was the most beautiful day of in Nicolas’s life.

Fictional story :
Roddy opened his eyes. He had the feeling that something had changed. First of all, he was not in his bedroom. The place where he was looked (l'endroit où il était regardé ??)like a museum : there was a painting on the wall. He didn't pay attention directly but some people were joking at him. A few seconds later, he understood he was in a box, a transparent box like the one where he was in his music clip "The Box". He yelled : " Help me ! Please ! Help me !!!"
Roddy Ritch woke up suddenly : "Oh my god ! It was just a nightmare !"

Réponse : Aide/devoir de gerold, postée le 20-04-2020 à 18:31:23 (S | E)

Einstein n'était pas physician (= médecin), mais physicist.

Réponse : Aide/devoir de roy10, postée le 20-04-2020 à 21:18:02 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses !

A bientôt !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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