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Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir
Message de maissato posté le 26-10-2019 à 16:31:11 (S | E | F)
Salut, Bonjour,
Je suis en Terminale S et je suis actuellement en vacances et je dois réaliser la présentation de ma première notion, Places and Forms of Power.
J'aimerais beaucoup que quelqu'un me le corrige pour demain matin s'il vous plait.
Merci d'avance.

Firs of all, I would like to give a definition of the notion: places and forms of power.
Power, represnets the strength, the authority of a person or a several people. Power is synonymous of might. It can be exercised by justice, like the police, by the media, shch as television, posters, by politics.
How does this power affect the world?
The first document deals with American symbols. This image of America was published in 1979 in an American magazine. We can observe that on this caricature, there are many symbols of the United States known around the world. One can notice those entertainment like Mickey Mouse in the foreground that is the symbol of Walt Disney and Disney. There is also Marlyn Monroe in the foreground driller and Oscar, which represent the cinema and Elvis Presley who represents the music.
Freedom and independence are represented by a man who wears the flag of the United States on all these clothes, it is called Uncle Sam. It is installed in the foreground sitting with the Statue of Liberty, as the name suggests it represents freedom and finally we see an Indian who is Sitting Bull and a cowboy, one symbol of conquest and the other of freedom.
The cultural economy and the power of the United States, is represented with the Yellow Stone and Mount Rushmore where we see four presidents of the United States, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelts and Abraham Lincoln. The cultural economy and power are represented by the skyscrapers that are in the third plane. In this caricature, we see on the table in the foreground and in the hands of the Statue of Liberty food like a bottle of coke, a burger and a fries that could come from McDonald's, which represents commercial domination.
Finally, we see in the last shot the flag of the United States called the "Stars Spangled Banner" which surrounds all the American emblems.
Then we will study a two document that is a caricature and also deals with American symbols, but this caricature is against globalization while the other is for. This caricature was made by Andy Singer in 1998 and is called "Invading New Markets". This drawing was published on a book, a manual and a magazine.
We can notice Mickey characters like Donald who are armed. They represent the American soldiers and more specifically the military power with the dress, the weapons, the warplanes that throw projectiles, the boats that land the soldiers on the beaches and in the distance a warship that throws projectiles. The boat, the plane and the soldiers shoot civilians who look like Latinos.
It can be noted that Andy Singer also denounces the commercial domination. The projectiles that are thrown are coca cans, televisions, the military have on their holding the logo of Nike, in the third plan some soldiers plant a flag with that of microsoft and the ships also have full of logo. The boat that is in the foreground is Texaco's, the one in the background has the IBM and Shell logo, the boat in the background to Nike and the McDonald's flag, and one of the aircraft has three logos. from Motorola.
We can conclude that this power to touch the world thanks to or because of globalization, in the world there is always one or more people who exercise their power over others. The parents exercise their power over their child, the president over the citizens. Even countries are exercising their powers over other countries, as we have seen with the United States, which is constantly exporting its crops and selling them around the world.
One wonders if globalization will not also be part of the notion of space and exchange?

Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-10-2019 17:31
Les correcteurs corrigent selon leurs possibilités

Réponse : Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir de gerondif, postée le 26-10-2019 à 19:05:46 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
First of all, I would like to give a definition of the notion: places and forms of power.
Power, represnets the strength, the authority of a person or a of several people. Power is synonymous of(with) might. It can be exercised by justice, like the police, by the media, shch as television, posters, by politics(j'aurais plutôt mis politicians).
How does this power affect the world?
The first document deals with American symbols. This image of America was published in 1979 in an American magazine. We can observe that on this caricature, there are many symbols of the United States known around the world. One can notice those entertainment(those est pluriel et entertainment singulier. Entertainment est une science et ne peut se transformer en objet en plastique) like Mickey Mouse in the foreground that is the symbol of Walt Disney and Disney. There is also Marlyn Monroe in the foreground driller and Oscar(je ne comprends pas cette référence), which represent the cinema and Elvis Presley who represents the(à ôter) music.
Freedom and independence are represented by a man who wears (is wearing) the flag of the United States on all these(tous ces vêtements, ou tous ses vêtements ?) clothes, it is called Uncle Sam. It is installed in the foreground sitting with the Statue of Liberty,(point) as the name suggests it represents freedom and finally we (can) see an Indian who is(virgule) Sitting Bull and a cowboy, the first one a symbol of conquest and the other of freedom.
The cultural economy and the power of the United States, is(pluriel) represented with the Yellow Stone (en un seul mot) and Mount Rushmore where we see four presidents of the United States, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelts and Abraham Lincoln. The cultural economy and power are represented by the skyscrapers that are in the third plane (pas sûr que plane pour dire un plan, une vue, convienne ici). In this caricature, we see on the table, in the foreground and in the hands of the Statue of Liberty food like a bottle of coke, a burger and a fries (une est singulier et frites pluriel)that could come from McDonald's, which represents commercial domination.
Finally, we see in the last shot the flag of the United States called the "Stars Spangled (adjectif coposé, premier élément invariable, pas de pluriel) Banner" which surrounds all the American emblems.
Then we will study a two (second) document that is a caricature and also deals with American symbols, but this caricature is against globalization while the other is for(maladroit tout seul, ce for) (in favour of it). This caricature was made by Andy Singer in 1998 and is called "Invading New Markets". This drawing was published on a book, a manual and a magazine.
We can notice Mickey Mouse characters like Donald who are armed. They represent the American soldiers and more specifically the military power with the dress, the weapons, the warplanes that throw projectiles, the boats that land, the soldiers on the beaches and in the distance a warship that throws unusal and bizarre projectiles . The boat, the plane and the soldiers shoot civilians who look like Latinos.
It can be noted that Andy Singer also denounces the commercial domination. The projectiles that are thrown are coca cans, television sets (pensez que la télévision au départ, c'était comme la physique, la chimie, une science de vue à distance, on possédait donc a television set un poste de vision à distance), the military have on their holding(j'espère que ce mot,holding, tenant et non tenu, formé sur to hold, tenir, ne signifiait pas leur tenue, leur uniforme ! Ou alors vous faites travailler un traduction sur une orthographe française erronnée) the logo of Nike, in the third plan some soldiers plant a flag with that of microsoft (écrivez plutôt le logo de microsoft) and the ships also have full of(full of signifie rempli de, et non plein de au sens de beaucoup, plenty of) logo (s'il y en a tant que cela, autant mettre logo au pluriel). The boat that is in the foreground is Texaco's, the one in the background has the IBM and Shell logo, the boat in the background to Nike and the McDonald's flag, and one of the aircraft has three logos. (complément sans proposition principale)from Motorola.
We can conclude that this power to touch(pourquoi planter ce verbe à l'infinitif au lieu d'un présent ? J'aurais plutôt choisi disrupts, affects, has an influence on,) the world thanks to or because of globalization, in the world there is always one or more people who exercise their power over others. The parents exercise their power over their child (pluriel), the president over the citizens. Even countries are exercising their powers(singulier) over other countries, as we have seen with the United States, which is constantly exporting its crops and selling them around the world.(l'exemple de l'exportation des récoltes n'est pas forcément le meilleur exemple de domination)
One wonders if globalization will not also be part of the notion of space and exchanges? (je ne sais pas si cette référence sert en conclusion).

Je vois que vous avez pris connaissance de cette correction urgente dimanche 27 octobre 2019 à 08:28:57. N'hésitez pas à publier votre correction. Si j'ai passé 20 minutes à corriger votre texte, un petit merci ne vous prendra que 10 secondes.

Réponse : Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir de maissato, postée le 02-11-2019 à 16:23:12 (S | E)
Désolé de ne vous répondre que maintenant. Je tenais à vous dire un gros pour avoir corrigé mon devoir.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2019 16:34


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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