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to receive a call from England
Message de meziva posté le 28-07-2005 à 17:37:07 (S | E | F | I)


On sunday I will receive a call from England, could you give me some advices about what I could say when I will pick up the phone.

Thank you so much.

Edité par jeanmi le 02-08-2005 11:45

Réponse: to receive a call from england de bridg, postée le 28-07-2005 à 18:03:58 (S | E)
You want us to give you some help but you didn't give us enough information
Which kind of phone call will it be?
What do you want to tell this person?

Edité par bridg le 28-07-2005 18:04
Lien Internet

Réponse: to receive a call from england de meziva, postée le 28-07-2005 à 18:57:13 (S | E)
I will tell them how I can take care of their children (in september I will be an "au pair" in their house) and I am afraid because I do not know if I will understand what they will say, they know i speak not very well english.

Réponse: to receive a call from england de alexgowes, postée le 28-07-2005 à 23:35:58 (S | E)
Don't worry! They don't expect you to speak perfect English. Here are 10 possible topics of conversation:

1. When will you arrive?
2. Someone will meet you at the airport or the train station.
3. How much they are looking forward to meeting you.
4. How well behaved the children will be (possibly not true!).
5. The little darlings' schedules.
6. They have a cat/dog, are you allergic?
7. The weather and what clothes you should bring.
8. The hours they expect you to work, what they expect you to do, and what your free time will be.
9. How much they will pay you per week.
10. Various rules about smoking, drinking etc.

Good luck, you'll be fine.

Réponse: to receive a call from england de meziva, postée le 29-07-2005 à 13:39:04 (S | E)
thank you it is very nice but I do not understand the number 5. Could you explain me?

Réponse: to receive a call from england de aimen7, postée le 29-07-2005 à 13:53:13 (S | E)
Hello meziva,
5-The little darlings' schedules means simply their daily programme, what they have planned to do daily or weekly...
If they are still on holiday, their activities in the morning and in the afternoon, the time they wake up, bed-time, lunch-time, dinner-time...
You will be given the children's schedule since you are going to take care of them...

Réponse: to receive a call from england de meziva, postée le 29-07-2005 à 15:46:34 (S | E)
thank you so much now I am really reassure.

Réponse: to receive a call from england de mimie45, postée le 01-08-2005 à 19:12:22 (S | E)
If you want, I have been an "au pair" near Dublin in 2000, so I know the job.
Where are you going?

Réponse: to receive a call from england de meziva, postée le 01-08-2005 à 23:42:43 (S | E)
You know it is the firs time I meet someone who was an "au pair", nice to meet you. I will go to Bradford, England. Could you give me some advice and tell me how it was?

Thank you.

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