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Greeting words
Message de aussie posté le 21-05-2005 à 06:04:40 (S | E | F | I)

Hello Every body,

I have found the following words being used at welcome and
greeting ocassions by different people of the world:-

Ni Hao---Bonjour---Hola---Jambo---Bonjourno Buon giorno
Shalom---Namaste---assalam o alaikum---Aloha
Guten Tag---Konichiwa---Kalimera---Buna Ziua.

Please tell us:-

- Their language of origin.
- About the nation or races using them.



Edité par serena le 21-05-2005 17:51
It's ok now.

Réponse: Greeting words de regine_lyon, postée le 21-05-2005 à 10:42:43 (S | E)
Bonjour ==> French
Shalom==> Hebrew
Guten Tag ==> German
Kalimera ==> Greek
Bonjourno ==> ?? but Buon giorno ==> Italian
Hola ==> Spanish
Aloha ==> Hawaiian

Réponse: Greeting words de aussie, postée le 21-05-2005 à 10:59:45 (S | E)
Hello Regine Lyon,
Thanks for correcting the word: 'Buon giorno"
God bless you.

Réponse: Greeting words de serena, postée le 21-05-2005 à 18:31:37 (S | E)
Hello Aussie,

Ni Hao ==> Chinese
Jambo ==> Swahili
Namaste ==> Indian
Assalam o alaikum ==> Arabic
Konichiwa ==> Japanese
Buna Ziua. ==> Rumanian

Right ?

Réponse: Greeting words de aussie, postée le 23-05-2005 à 08:30:16 (S | E)

Thanks for sending me the answer.

" Namaste " is sanskrit word. And is used by Hindus.


Réponse: Greeting words de serena, postée le 23-05-2005 à 18:23:03 (S | E)
Hi Aussie !
Thanks to you.
But I'm not sure we've finished with this subject.
What about your second question ?
I'm really curious to know which nations or races use these languages. Do you know them all ?

Réponse: Greeting words de aussie, postée le 24-05-2005 à 08:31:35 (S | E)
Hello serena,

As per my knowledge and information:-

-Bounjour is French word and is spoken by french speaking personal.
-Shalom is Hebrew word and is spoken by Jews.
-Guten Tag is German word and is spoken by german speaking personal
-Kalimera is Greek word and is spoken by Greek speaking personal.
-Buon Giorno is Italian word and is used by Italian speaking personal.
-Hola is Spanish word and is used by Spanish speaking personal.
-Aloha is Hawaiian word and is used by Hawaiian speaking personal.
-Ni Hao is Chinese word and is used by Chinese people.
-Jombo is Sawahili word and is spoken by Sawahili people.
-Namaste is Sanskrit word and is used by Hindu word.
-Assalam o alaikum is arabic word and is used by Muslim world.
-Konichiwa is Japanese word and is used by Japanese speaking personal
-Buna Ziua is Romanian word and is used by Romanian speaking personal

If any member has more information and he wants to shed light on this topic, he is welcome.
Have a nice day.


Réponse: Greeting words de diakabana, postée le 24-05-2005 à 16:59:39 (S | E)
In Zaire it's mbonté.

Réponse: Greeting words de regine_lyon, postée le 24-05-2005 à 22:02:30 (S | E)
In Bavaria people use Grüß Gott !

Réponse: Greeting words de serena, postée le 25-05-2005 à 04:39:55 (S | E)
Bom dia. ( Portuguese)

It's really nice to know that !
Thank you for the idea Aussie !

Réponse: Greeting words de lethidee, postée le 25-05-2005 à 07:11:55 (S | E)
Chao moi nguoi (c'est en vietnamien et il manque plein d'accent).
Bonne journée

Réponse: Greeting words de aussie, postée le 25-05-2005 à 07:43:44 (S | E)
Hello honourable members,

Please mention the language of origin also for the information of
members who are interested to know.
And I would like to keep full record of it for my future reference.


Réponse: Greeting words de fredlgd, postée le 25-05-2005 à 10:52:35 (S | E)
Hi everybody
As far as I know, just to add one more, in Irish it's:
"Dia duit" or "Dia is Muire duit".
In fact, you would be surprised by the pronunciation as it has nothing to do with the spelling. Irish is a very difficult language to learn, the spelling is really unrealistic, needless to mention the pronunciation !
Slán !

Réponse: Greeting words de serena, postée le 25-05-2005 à 20:04:59 (S | E)
Hello !

Fredlgd, you said :"the spelling is really unrealistic". (!!!!!!)
Well, I'm now very curious to know how to pronounce it !!

Can't you even try to use the symbols?
Unless this makes you become more !!!

Réponse: Greeting words de nyx, postée le 21-06-2005 à 17:30:27 (S | E)
Hi, I'm Congolese DRC and in my native tongue Hello "Mbote na bino" means Hello everybody!

Réponse: Greeting words de ruofei, postée le 22-06-2005 à 19:06:16 (S | E)
Very nice topic!

Manao ahoana, in official Madagascan language, ("Mbola Tsara" in the Northern dialect)
Lei ho is Cantonese Chinese.

Zhu nimen jintian kuaile (have a nice day!)

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