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Message de loutch posté le 2004-09-01 19:07:07 (S | E | F | I)
One of my friend is going to live in Newcastle for one year. I'd like to help him and tell him the best places to go.

Réponse: re:Newcastle de willy, postée le 2004-09-01 20:34:16 (S | E)
Hello again !
You can browse the directory of the following English site :

In "Conversations", you can get in touch with people living anywhere in the UK. You just choose the area you want to move to.

Edité par willy le 2004-09-01 20:35:48

Réponse: re:Newcastle de pj, postée le 2004-09-02 15:13:51 (S | E)

Réponse: re:Newcastle de rosminet, postée le 2004-09-02 18:42:08 (S | E)
As he's going to live in Newcastle for 1 year, he will have the time to find some information there ! And by asking to people living there he will have better information than you can find on a website for tourist !

Réponse: re:Newcastle de willy, postée le 2004-09-02 20:38:14 (S | E)
Upmystreet is not a website for tourists.
I'm interested in Norfolk (I've been on holiday there a few times) and most questions on that site are asked by people who want to move to Norfolk. They talk about life in particular towns, in particular neighbourhoods, about the quality of the schools, about violence. And they all get answers from locals or other people who have got to know the area. I really think this site can help.

Réponse: re:Newcastle de rosminet, postée le 2004-09-03 00:31:21 (S | E)
Willy, I wasn't talking about the website you gave, but about most of websites you can find for example thanks to google. Similarly, most of websites made by cities are designed for tourists.
But as his friend will stay for 1 year, he will have some time for doing some research when he will be there.



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