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Message de titousse posté le 2004-03-23 16:11:01 (S | E | F | I)
I'm french and I like the beatles.

You can write your point of view about that.

Thant you

Bye bye

see you soon


Réponse: re de primael, postée le 2004-03-23 21:15:34 (S | E)
i like the beattles too i've a question have you already been to liverpool that's where the beattles have begun!!!!!

Edité par yannloic le 06-10-2004 19:07

Réponse: Liverpool de titousse, postée le 2004-03-24 08:32:22 (S | E)
No, I've never been to Liverpool but I think in 2005 or 2006 I will go to Liverpool.

The 24th June, I will go to Paris for seeing Paul MacCartney.

Bye bye


Réponse: Betales bis de titousse, postée le 2004-03-24 11:08:53 (S | E)
Have you got any interesting pictures about the beatles.

Me Email adress is titousse@caramail.comm

See you later


Réponse: e de primael, postée le 2004-03-24 16:51:19 (S | E)
no i havent im sorry but im not interested about the beattles!

Edité par yannloic le 06-10-2004 19:09

Goddam ! The beatles aren't known enough ?

Réponse: I love them too de choubidouou, postée le 2004-03-28 19:19:26 (S | E)
Hey, i also love the Beatles, they were so great, pretty great.
But there are so many things to say about them....
If you want to find articles from newspapers, pictures, biographies.... You can go on and search for the Beatles, you will find many very intereting websites about them.
They also made a movie called "a hard day's night" translated in French by "Qutre garçons dans le vent", which is a so goooooooood movie.
that's it, and don't stop enjoying their music.

Réponse: re Beattles de wendy, postée le 2004-04-21 18:24:45 (S | E)
I love the beatles too! It's so great! I know a very good website which speaks about them. Here is the e-mail:
You are in luck to go to see Paul Maccarthney! Will you tell me the show?
See you soon!
Bye, bye!

Réponse: reréponse de avie, postée le 2004-07-07 19:20:17 (S | E)
It's great band , really . With great melodies and lyrics .

Réponse: re de liona, postée le 2004-07-08 12:33:17 (S | E)
Hi!!! I like the Beatles. Their songs are great. For Beatles' fans, the official site.

Réponse: re:The Beatles de yannloic, postée le 2004-10-06 19:13:27 (S | E)
That's a topic, I'd like to put back at the top. No one talk about the competition between the beatles and the Rolling stones.

You know emulation leads to great thing. For example when the beatles wrote "Let it be", as an answer the rolling stones had writen "Let it bleed"

Réponse: re:The Beatles de yannloic, postée le 2004-10-07 15:06:09 (S | E)
merci babyscot59. Mes chansons préférées datent de la période bleue. Abbey road dont "The Long and winding Road" et " Maxwell's silver Hammer", font parti est excellent aussi.

Dans la serie ballade, j'adore rocky raccoon pour l'histoire et l'humour:

Now somewhere in the black mountain hills of Dakota
There lived a young boy named Rocky Raccoon
And one day his woman ran off with another guy
Hit young Rocky in the eye Rocky didn't like that
He said I'm gonna get that boy
So one day he walked into town
Booked himself a room in the local saloon.

Rocky Raccoon checked into his room
Only to find Gideon's bible
Rocky had come equipped with a gun
To shoot off the legs of his rival

His rival it seems had broken his dreams
By stealing the girl of his fancy.
Her name was Magil and she called herself Lil
But everyone knew her as Nancy.

Now she and her man who called himself Dan
Were in the next room at the hoe down
Rocky burst in and grinning a grin
He said Danny boy this is a showdown

But Daniel was hot - he drew first and shot
And Rocky collapsed in the corner.


Now the doctor came in stinking of gin
And proceeded to lie on the table
He said Rocky you met your match
And Rocky said, Doc it's only a scratch
And I'll be better I'll be better doc as soon as I am able.

Now Rocky Raccoon he fell back in his room
Only to find Gideon's bible
Gideon checked out and he left it no doubt
To help with good Rocky's revival.

Je me suis d'ailleurs toujours demandé à quoi correspondait the Gideon's bible.

Edité par bridg le 14-10-2004 15:35
Yann, you are on "English only" please,don't write in French

Edité par yannloic le 14-10-2004 16:57
Sorry bridg, long time ago we were allowed to do it, if we didn't abuse. That's a bad habit, I will try to loose.

Edité par bridg le 16-10-2004 12:52
yes but there was a long time ago

Réponse: re:The Beatles de claire1, postée le 2004-10-08 13:57:20 (S | E)
hello titousse
I don't like The beatles a lot I prefer The Rolling Stones

Réponse: re:The Beatles de kayrol, postée le 2004-10-08 23:36:59 (S | E)
I love the Beatles. I've been a fan for many years now..


Réponse: re:The Beatles de yannloic, postée le 2004-10-11 16:10:19 (S | E)
Some Beatles Songs have been rewritten for Unix Administrators (an other computer operating system than windows).

I think it is funny enough.

Unix Man (Nowhere Man)

He's a real UNIX Man
Sitting in his UNIX LAN (local network)
Making all his UNIX plans
For nobod

Knows the blocksize from du(1)
Cares not where /dev/null goes to
Isn't he a bit like you
And me?

UNIX Man, please listen(2)
My lpd(8) is missin'
The wo-o-o-orld is at(1) your command.

He's as wise as he can be
Uses lex and yacc and C
UNIX Man, can you help me At all?

UNIX Man, don't worry
Test with time(1), don't hurry
The new kernel boots, just like you had planned.
He's a real UNIX Man
Sitting in his UNIX LAN
Making all his UNIX plans For nobody ...
Making all his UNIX plans For nobody.

* the Man command give you information about an other command
and is classify by category (1), (2), (3), etc ...

Réponse: re:The Beatles de babyscot59, postée le 2004-10-11 16:15:44 (S | E)
To be or not tobe a Beatles Fan, ok les Rolling stones mais ils sont arrivés après non? OKOK " Paint in Black" est un chef d-'oeuvre mais Les Beatles...... c'est

message tinté d'humour (cette note est à l'intention des Rolling Stoniens)


Réponse: re:The Beatles de yannloic, postée le 2004-10-11 17:06:29 (S | E)
Moi ce qui m'épate c'est que 40 ans plus tard, le duel Beatles / Rolling Stones est encore là! Bon je penche coté beatles.

Réponse: re:The Beatles de babyscot59, postée le 2004-10-14 14:50:39 (S | E)
ok pour clore ce débat, disons que sa raison d'être vient peut-être du fait que Ces 2 groupes ont marqué une époque et une génération et qu'ils étaient, touts deux des groupes FORMIDABLES!!!!

bien que les Beatles ainsi un "jenesaisquoi" de

en tout cas, on les adore


Edité par bridg le 14-10-2004 15:32
Yann and Babyscott => IN ENGLISH PLEASE!!!

Réponse: re:The Beatles de babyscot59, postée le 2004-10-15 16:12:12 (S | E)
ok Bridg I shall write in English on this very Forum

But Yet my Name is Baby SCOT (one single "T"),


LOL hope you understand that I am kidding!!

Thanks bridg


Réponse: re:The Beatles de claire1, postée le 2004-10-15 16:25:51 (S | E)
well " hello everybody...
just a few words....I like The Beatles but I love The Rolling Stones !!


Réponse: re:The Beatles de babyscot59, postée le 2004-10-15 16:31:14 (S | E)
ok Maybe We can find a via-media:

We love them both


Réponse: re:The Beatles de claire1, postée le 2004-10-16 12:44:28 (S | E)
hello Babyscott
I'm sure we can find a via media because we love them both....I'm ok
but what about ROD STEWART ?

Réponse: re:The Beatles de matvei, postée le 2004-10-16 13:30:27 (S | E)
I'm keen on The Beatles, the best band for ever...
What's your favorite song? Mine is Let it be

Réponse: re:The Beatles de babyscot59, postée le 2004-10-18 09:50:52 (S | E)
Mine is " The long and winding Road"




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