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Message de caz9 posté le 2004-07-03 10:50:43 (S | E | F | I)
Which English food do you really love and what would you never eat again?

Réponse: re de annie777, postée le 2004-07-03 18:33:41 (S | E)
I love scones which I discovered in an Irish family 21 years ago !

Réponse: re de liona, postée le 2004-07-03 20:35:26 (S | E)
I like to eat a cake with of patatoes and chocolate. Do you know cake's name? It's very delicious. I ate a cake with of carrots, I didn't like. I adore to try the new recipes.

Réponse: Miss Fussy to liona de mariet, postée le 2004-07-04 14:23:34 (S | E)
If I may suggest a few corrections :
I like eating a cake made with potatoes and chocolate. Do you know its name/the name of this cake ? It's really delicious. I ate a cake made with carrots, I didn't like. I love trying new recipes.
ATMA liona

Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-07-04 14:48:16 (S | E)
There are many things I like, especially all the lovely ones that come with a nice pot of tea in a village tea-shop : scones, buns, crumpets, and so on, served with fresh Devon cream and 'home made' marmalades or jams. Yuuuummmm!!!
As I have a sweet tooth I also enjoy eccles puffs (all the puff pastries as a matter of fact), crumbles and pies with a special mention for mince pies, and ...
I'd better stop, thinking of them make my mouth water and I feel peckish !
I'm not keen on Xmas pudding, jellies or blanc-mange.
And there's Yorkshire pudding, sheperd's pie, the list would be too long...
But I do not appreciate English mustard, whereas I like chutney.
Come to think of it, I haven't had my lunch yet (nor one of those gorgeous cooked breakfasts I enjoyed when I was younger) so I'm off to have a bite.

Réponse: re de cahlimero, postée le 2004-07-05 12:25:05 (S | E)
I love the cherry cheese cake that my Irish friend makes.

Réponse: re peanut better and nothing else!! de thaïs, postée le 2004-07-05 12:47:27 (S | E)
Hello caz9,

Nice to meet you. To be honest, many people in France have not a good opinion about English food because many of them have never come in England yet. I went in England twice and I was very lucky to meet very nice people and fairly good cooker. I don't remember the name of all dishes I eated but I remember the peanut better...Ummmmmm...It makes me really crazy!!!! Sometimes I put some peanuts in my mixer and I savour this marvellous mixture thinking to all the good time I spent in Brighton, Worthing and London. Thanks to you to make me remember this time. Thaïs
PS : I'm french and my English is rather poor but but I try to do my best

Réponse: Miss Fussy to de mariet, postée le 2004-07-05 13:26:50 (S | E)
If I may help you correct your English :

peanut butter* and nothing else!! réponse de thaïs -

Hello caz9,

Nice to meet you. To be honest, many people in France have not (/don't have) a good opinion about English food because many of them have never been to England yet. I went to England twice and I was very lucky to meet very nice people and fairly good cooks (A cooker is not a person but a thing.) . I don't remember the name of all the dishes I ate but I remember the peanut butter*...Ummmmmm...It makes me really crazy!!!! Sometimes I put some peanuts in my mixer and I savour this marvellous mixture thinking about all the good time I spent in Brighton, Worthing and London. Thanks to you to make me remember that time/those days (this est proche/actuel). Thaïs
PS : I'm French and my English is rather poor but but I try to do my best

better : good/better/the best

You are improving, Thaïs! I hope you won't mind my correcting you : it will help you understand your mistakes, therefore progress faster.


Réponse: French food abroad de minneapolis_cafe, postée le 2004-07-05 15:00:13 (S | E)
When I was in the United States, I cooked "quiche lorraine" several times. Although it wasn't completely succesful (the crust was a bit strange, maybe because of the american flour...), my host family really appreciated. The grandmother even asked me for the recipe! Lol

Réponse: re de brunk, postée le 2004-07-05 15:05:55 (S | E)
If I may help you correct your English :
... I cooked "ouiche lorraine" several times.

-- private joke with the ones who have enjoyed one of the best movie Ive ever seen : "La classe Americaine" --

Take it easy

Réponse: to brunk de minneapolis_cafe, postée le 2004-07-05 15:15:58 (S | E)
Sorry brunk, I don't get it. I haven't seen this movie.

Edité par minneapolis_cafe le 2004-07-05 15:18:29

Réponse: re de brunk, postée le 2004-07-05 15:40:12 (S | E)
you should rent it ! (.. well or download the divx if you get a chance...)

Réponse: To Brunk de minneapolis_cafe, postée le 2004-07-07 19:59:34 (S | E)
I think I'll watch 'Super Size Me' first! I don't know whether it came out in Chartres but I'm looking forward to it! Especially after what you said yesterday evening; and because I used to work in Mc Donald's as well...
... when I was young and reckless!
Long live José Bové!!!!
Still, I do like the United States, but Mc Donald's is, in some ways, the dark side of the American culture!
Enjoy your Big Mac and your French fries!!!!



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