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Message de minouche15 posté le 2004-07-03 10:36:27 (S | E | F | I)
Good morning to all you. I'm a new friend who is writing on the English forum for the first time .
...since a few days I have been visiting the site, reading your interesting and very friendly messages . I found in this one, a hudge choice of varied activities : it's great !... Thank to the webmaster and congratulations .
...As a lot of you, I'd like improve my English too, but until now I didn't dare exprime myself : I'm a shame retired old lady, however I believe "age is not important if your mind feels young" isn't it ? and I 'm sure that your kindness help me to go on .
Please correct my mistakes .
See you soon .

Réponse: re de caz9, postée le 2004-07-03 10:43:47 (S | E)
Welcome minouche15. I have corrected your mistakes below.

Good morning to all of you. I'm a new friend who is writing on the English forum for the first time .
...since a few days I have been visiting the site, reading your interesting and very friendly messages . I found in this one, a huge choice of varied activities : it's great !... Thanks to the webmaster and congratulations .
...Like a lot of you, I'd like to improve my English too, but until now I didn't dare express myself : I'm a retired old lady, however I believe "age is not important if your mind feels young" isn't it ? and I 'm sure that your kindness will help me to go on .
Please correct my mistakes .
See you soon .

Edité par caz9 le 2004-07-03 10:46:34

Réponse: re minouche15 de minouche15, postée le 2004-07-03 11:24:39 (S | E)
Thank you very very much caz9, it's very kind of you : I could avoid most of my mistakes, however I'm happy to have take the plunge !...
see you soon.

Réponse: re de caz9, postée le 2004-07-03 12:12:40 (S | E)
it's a pleasure, minouche15, to be able to help you! I know what you mean - I do the same when I write in French. One other correction to your last post -

however I'm happy to have take the plunge !...

however I'm happy to have taken the plunge!...

Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-07-03 12:44:08 (S | E)
Welcome among us minouche15,
you've taken the right decision and made the most difficult move (the first one) in writing your message in English !!!
Allow me to correct one more thing :
"since a few days I have been visiting the site"
SINCE is used to indicate the moment when something starts (since yesterday/five o'clock/last Monday etc...)
here you meant a length of time (a few days) therefore you should use FOR (for a week/a month/five hours etc...)

Enjoy visiting and, above all, enjoy participating : practise, practise, practise, that's the way to progress...

Réponse: re to Mariet de caz9, postée le 2004-07-03 13:33:35 (S | E)
Thanks Mariet - I knew that sentence wasn't correct and I was hoping you'd come up with the grammatical explanation, which you're so good at! Even I've learnt something. I wish we'd been taught grammar when I was at school, it would have made life so much easier now that I'm learning a foreign language!

Réponse: re de minouche15 de minouche15, postée le 2004-07-03 20:59:31 (S | E)
Thanks Mariet for your help . I knew this point of grammar, but I couldn't use it !... I'm neither a greenhorn or a teacher like you , I only learnt English language at school for ages ... and it's always easier reading than writing and listening . It's not easier using a computer but I really enjoy this modern tool which offers so many possibilities .

Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-07-07 16:02:02 (S | E)
why what you n'utiliser is not l'outil to translate the text bus me which normally does not include/understand anything with l'anglais I have succeeded in answering you with this language whereas I am only in 6eme

Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-07-07 18:44:08 (S | E)
Tell your machine "why what you n'utiliser is not l'outil to translate the text bus me which normally does not include/understand anything with l'anglais" is absolute 'charabiad'* as you would say in your French, it doesn't mean a thing!!!

*charabiad is the way nina1591 spells charabia



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